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Can All Feng Shui Problems Be Fixed? Insights from Master Jason Chan

When it comes to Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing our living spaces with the natural environment, a common question arises: Can any bad Feng Shui be fixed? Today, I'll address this question and provide some clarity.

feng shui

A Question from a Prospect

Recently, I received an interesting question from a prospect:

"Master Jason, my friend works in real estate and mentioned that many clients bring Feng Shui masters to check out properties before buying. He said these Feng Shui masters often claim they can fix any bad Feng Shui. Is it true that no matter what kind of bad Feng Shui a house has, it can be fixed? I haven't actually talked to a Feng Shui master myself, but I've heard there are many Feng Shui products for this purpose. Can you clarify this for me?"

My Response

This is a great question, and one that I get asked quite often. It seems many modern Feng Shui practitioners believe that they can fix any bad Feng Shui situation. However, it’s important to understand that this isn’t always the case.

Ancient vs. Modern Feng Shui

In ancient times, houses were usually single-story buildings. This made it easy to make significant changes, like moving the main door to a better position. There's an old saying: "The three essentials of a home are the door, the master room, and the stove." This shows how important the main door is in Feng Shui. If a house had bad Feng Shui, moving the main door to a more favorable spot could completely change the energy and improve the household's fortune.

But today, buildings are much taller and more complex. Changing the main door’s position isn't so easy anymore. This is why we now use various Feng Shui items to help improve the energy of a space.

Can Feng Shui Items Fix Everything?

Feng Shui items designed to attract wealth and good fortune can certainly help improve the energy of your home. However, not all bad Feng Shui situations can be fixed with these items. For example, problems like "空亡" isn't something you can fix just by placing a few Feng Shui items around. Fixing these issues often requires a more detailed approach, looking at the surroundings, like mountains, water bodies, buildings, and roads, to see if there’s a way to make it work.

Think Twice Before Believing Everything

So, if you hear someone say that they can fix any bad Feng Shui in a house, you should be cautious. It’s important to consider how much that Feng Shui master really knows. Not every bad Feng Shui situation has a simple fix, and sometimes it requires a deep understanding of both ancient principles and modern techniques.


In conclusion, while Feng Shui offers many tools and techniques to improve the energy in your home, it’s not a magic cure-all. The effectiveness of these solutions depends on the specific problem and the conditions of your environment. As Master Jason Chan from Won Yan Feng Shui, I remind you to approach Feng Shui with both an open mind and a critical eye, respecting its rich traditions and modern practices.

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At my practice, I use Ba Zi and Feng Shui to provide my clients with a comprehensive assessment of their lives. I take into account the unique energies of a person’s home and surroundings, as well as the energies of the environment and the person’s own destiny. With these insights, I am able to offer my clients assistance to help them reach their goals, and improve their lives.

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