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Feng Shui and Death: Navigating the Eternal Balance

Updated: Aug 24

Feng Shui

Feng Shui, which translates to "wind-water" in English, is a traditional Chinese philosophical system that seeks to harmonise individuals with their surrounding environment. While most people are familiar with Feng Shui in the context of enhancing living spaces, fewer understand its profound significance regarding death and the afterlife. This article delves into how this ancient art guides the realms of mortality and eternity.

1. The Yin and Yang of Existence

The fundamental concept of Feng Shui is the balance between Yin and Yang — opposing but interconnected forces. In the realm of death, this translates to harmony between the living and the deceased. Traditional customs emphasise maintaining a peaceful balance, ensuring the deceased rests without disturbances while providing comfort to the living.

2. Grave Site Selection: An Art and Science

Arguably, the most critical application of Feng Shui in death is selecting a grave site. Traditional beliefs hold that the location and orientation of a grave can influence the fortune and well-being of the deceased's descendants.

Direction: Just as the direction of a bed or desk can influence an individual's health or success, the orientation of a grave is believed to impact the spirit's journey in the afterlife.

Surroundings: The ideal grave site, according to Feng Shui principles, is shielded by mountains (representing support) to the north and overlooks water (symbolising flow and prosperity) to the south. This setup is believed to provide a peaceful resting place for the deceased and ensure the well-being of their descendants.

3. Ancestral Altars and Feng Shui

In many Chinese homes, ancestral altars are set up to honour the deceased. These altars are a symbol of respect and remembrance, and proper Feng Shui placement ensures:

Positioning: The altar should be in a respectful area, ideally in the living room, where it can oversee the household. It should never be placed in bedrooms or kitchens.

Arrangement: Items like incense burners, candles, and offerings should be placed in a balanced manner, representing respect and order.

4. Mourning and the Flow of Energy

Attire: In Chinese culture, the colour white symbolises death, so it is traditionally worn during mourning periods. In Feng Shui, colours channel specific energies, and white produces a peaceful, solemn energy appropriate for mourning.

Home Environment: After a death, windows are often opened to prevent negative energy or “sha chi” from lingering. 'Sha chi' refers to negative energy that can cause harm or misfortune, and purifying rituals involving incense or chants might be performed to dispel it.

5. Navigating Taboos

Time: In Feng Shui, timing is everything. Certain days are deemed inauspicious for burials, while others are chosen for their positive energy flow.

Symbols: During mourning, items associated with death or negative energy are avoided. This includes certain plants, images, or words that might sound like 'death' in Chinese.


When applied to death, Feng Shui's principles offer a structured approach to navigating one of life's most challenging experiences. It emphasizes respect, balance, and the interconnectedness of life and death. Understanding Feng Shui can help one find solace, guidance, and a way to honour the departed in the most harmonious manner possible, providing a comforting and guiding hand in a difficult time.



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