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Feng Shui and the Sacred Ground: The Importance of the Dead Resting Beneath the Earth

Updated: Aug 24

Feng Shui

The ancient practice of Feng Shui, revered for its principles of harmony and balance, offers profound insights into the cyclical nature of existence. It emphasises the interconnection between life, death, and the environment. A pivotal element in this intricate system is the importance of the deceased being laid to rest beneath the earth. This article dives into this aspect of Feng Shui, shedding light on why the subterranean realm holds profound significance.

1. Returning to the Origin

In many cultures, the earth symbolizes the genesis of life. Being 'dust to dust' resonates with the idea of life coming full circle, and Feng Shui echoes this belief.

Completing the Cycle: Laying the deceased beneath the ground represents the completion of life's cycle — a return to the foundational element, preparing the spirit for its next journey.

2. The Earth’s Embrace: Stability and Protection

Natural Shield: The earth acts as a protective barrier, ensuring the deceased are shielded from external disturbances or negative energies. This emphasis on protection in Feng Shui provides a sense of security, ensuring the spirits transition peacefully.

Yin Energy: Burial grounds possess Yin energy, which signifies stillness, rest, and rejuvenation. By laying the dead underground, they're enveloped in this calming energy, promoting eternal rest.

3. Feng Shui Principles in Burial Sites

The location, orientation, and design of burial sites, as guided by Feng Shui, play crucial roles in ensuring the deceased are at peace and bring their descendants prosperity and well-being. This emphasis on the future prosperity of the living descendants brings a sense of hope and optimism.

Dragon’s Cosmic Breath: Traditional Feng Shui speaks of the ‘dragon’s cosmic breath’ that brings life force or ‘chi’ to burial sites. Chi is the vital energy that flows through all living things, and in Feng Shui, it is believed to be influenced by the environment. This energy flow, emerging from underground, ensures the spirit's harmony with the cosmos.

Harmonising Elements: The positioning of elements like water (streams or lakes) and mountains concerning burial sites can influence the 'chi' and, consequently, the fortune of the living relatives.

4. Energetic Continuity: Ancestral Blessings

Harmonious Resting: When ancestors are laid to rest in a location harmonised with Feng Shui principles, their positive energies can be channelled more efficiently. This is what is referred to as 'ancestral blessings' in Feng Shui. These blessings can manifest in various forms, such as protection, guidance, and prosperity, for their living descendants.

Disrupted Energies: Improper burial can lead to disrupted energies, potentially affecting the living. Feng Shui emphasises the importance of seeking expert guidance for burial practices, empowering individuals to make informed decisions.

5. Environmental Respect and Feng Shui

Symbiotic Relationship: Respecting the environment, especially burial grounds, isn't just about tradition. It emphasises the symbiotic relationship between humans and nature, acknowledging that disturbances to resting places can disrupt environmental energies.

Sustainable Practices: With concerns about land use, Feng Shui experts are also exploring sustainable burial practices that honour the deceased and the environment, ensuring positive energy flow.


With its deep-rooted principles of balance and harmony, Feng Shui underscores the importance of honouring the dead by letting them rest beneath the earth. Doing so bridges the physical and spiritual realms, fostering respect for life cycles and ensuring blessings and protection for future generations.



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