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Feng Shui Tip to improve your work from home

Updated: Aug 25

As we stay longer at home, we spend lots of time on the computer and phone to keep tabs on the news and to keep relationships going on virtual platforms like Facebook. We may experience social fatigue because of the overload of information, which brings a diversified range of emotions.

Social Fatigue, a term that resonates with many of us, describes feeling emotionally overextended and exhausted by one’s work. It manifests as physical fatigue and a sense of being psychologically and emotionally “drained.”

So, what are some of the classic signs of this condition that I see even in myself…

  • I suddenly feel really, incredibly tired.

  • My mind starts to wander when exhaustion sets in, and I can no longer concentrate on the conversations around me. I quite literally zone out. All I can think about is escaping home to my bed.

  • I find the people and the inane conversations around me irritating.

  • It’s easy to get into a fight with my family members.

One practical way of using feng shui is to create a better environment through scent. Pleasant aromas promote healthy 'chi' 生氣 flow and raise energy in the surroundings. Unpleasant odours bring on negative 'chi' 煞氣. Using incense is likened to the dragon's breath and is said to purify and change 'chi' energy. This allows 'chi' or energy/life force to flow at its peak, bringing more success, happiness, and prosperity to the inhabitants' lives.

You likely know from experience how a space smells can significantly affect your mood. If you’re in a place with a disagreeable odour, you are more likely to be in a bad mood. This underscores the importance of creating a pleasant-smelling environment to uplift your spirits.



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