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Feng Shui Tips on Flowers in your Home

Updated: Aug 25

Fresh flowers in the living or dining room can create positive yang energies and bring a pleasant ambience into the home. Flowers are very useful in creating good feng shui, but there are some basic rules we should observe. Fresh flowers should be disposed of as soon as they start to wither, as anything dead or decaying symbolises negative energy. For this reason, I always mention that displaying or using dried flowers in flower arrangements should be avoided. This is a key point to remember in feng shui, as dried flowers represent yin and dead energy, which we want to avoid. Instead, I would use fake flowers, which signify yang and life energy.

Flowers have the remarkable ability to enhance a room's energy, filling it with joy and positivity. They are suitable for all parts of the house, including bedrooms and shared spaces. By bringing yang energies into space, they generate positive energies. Imagine placing them in an auspicious direction; they could help the house or (wealth area) businesses with more energy. This uplifting effect of flowers is a powerful tool in feng shui.



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