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Harnessing Harmony: The Power of the Lu Ban Ruler in Feng Shui

Updated: May 16, 2023

Welcome to the world of Feng Shui, where balance and harmony rule and every detail matters. One such detail is the size of your main door. Regarded as the 'mouth of the house' (房子的口), this vital entry point requires accurate measurements to maintain the delicate balance of yin and yang (阴阳平衡). As a Feng Shui master, I've seen how one tool can make all the difference - the Lu Ban ruler (鲁班尺).

The Ancient Wisdom of Lu Ban Ruler

The Lu Ban ruler is no ordinary measuring stick known for its powerful influence. This tool, steeped in ancient wisdom, can guide you in constructing the perfect main door for your home. Every inch on this ruler indicates a unique reading that can influence the energy flow in your house.

In my experience as a Feng Shui master, I've seen houses transform with the correct use of the Lu Ban ruler. I recall advising a client who was experiencing disharmony in their home. After measuring their main door using the Lu Ban ruler, we discovered the dimensions were off balance. Correcting the measurements brought the household an immediate sense of peace and stability.

財 Wealth: Invite wealth.

病 Sickness: Invites supernatural which may cause harm.

離 Separation: Cause quarrels.

義 Connection: Auspicious door that may bring harm which tests bonds such as piety.

官 Official: Good to use for offices which invite glory.

劫 Robbery: Gives nuisance and trouble.

害 Harm: Causes harm to the dwellers from accidents, cheating and so on.

吉 Auspicious: Brings good energy and wisdom.


This is a collection of eight poems dedicated to a different Chinese character. Each character symbolises a different concept, and the poem discusses its implications when it 'arrives at the door', a metaphor for the character's influence on a household or a person's life. Here are the translations:






Poem about "Wealth" (財字)

When the character "Wealth" arrives at your door, carefully consider its presence. If it comes to the outer door, it brings good wealth. If it's at the centre door, wealth is always there. Accumulating wealth should be done at the main door. If it's well-settled in the central room, there will be thousands and tens of thousands of boxes of silver and silk. If a carpenter can understand this principle, wealth and prosperity will naturally flourish in the home.






Poem about "Disease" (病字)

When the character "Disease" arrives at your door, it brings epidemics and illnesses. If it comes to the outer door, spirits and ghosts enter the courtyard. If it is at the central door, disasters may be lightened and crises can be avoided. If it's mirrored at the outer door, the spirit of death may visit twice a year. If you wish to avoid misfortune, having it on the toilet door is best,.






Poem about "Separation" (離字)

When the character "Separation" arrives at your door, it brings bad news. If it is at the outer or middle door, it can cause a split between father and son. The door of the room will inevitably lead to separation, causing the couple's feelings to be busy in two places. If the sun is always causing trouble at home, who will take the blame for the disaster?






Poem about "Righteousness" (義字)

When the character "Righteousness" arrives at your door, it brings filial piety. If it's at the centre door, it's best. If it's at the city gate, it can cause the wife to change her voice in the corridor. Although it's usually auspicious, it can still bring disaster to people. If there is no disaster, the kitchen door is the best place for it.






Poem about "Government" (官字)

When the character "Government" arrives at your door, you must be careful. Don't let it settle at the main door. If it's in the necessary room, it can bring government affairs, wealth, and prosperity to the room. It can get a noble son to the family if it's in the room door. The house of the rich and powerful can suppress it, but the house of the common people can hardly measure it.






Poem about "Robbery" (劫字)

When the character "Robbery" arrives at your door, it's not to be praised. The house is in constant chaos. If it's at the harmful door, disasters will pile up without rest. Children and grandchildren who engage in the robbery will suffer. Misdeeds will harm the family. The four evil and four ominous stars are inauspicious; stealing from others will harm oneself.






Poem about "Harm" (害字)

When the character "Harm" settles at your door, you must be careful. Outsiders often harm outsiders. If it's at the inner door, it brings disaster, and thieves will invade the family's wealth. Children and grandchildren who engage in harmful deeds will bring ruin to their families. If a good craftsman can understand this principle, he can guide the homeowner to everlasting prosperity.






Poem about "Auspiciousness" (吉字)

When the character "Auspiciousness" arrives at your door, it is the best. It strengthens both the inner and the outer middle door. Sons and daughters, husbands and wives, all become noble and wealthy, and silkworms and mulberry trees thrive month after month, year after year. If there's a talented person at the door, the family will be prosperous, which is the most promising. Even if evil spirits are nearby, there will be no disaster, and everything will still be splendid and magnificent.

Background of Lu Ban 魯班

Lu Ban, born between 507–444 BC, was more than just a man of his time. Renowned as a structural engineer, inventor, and carpenter, he was a force that shaped the Zhou Dynasty and beyond, earning his revered status as the patron god of builders and contractors in China.

Brought into the world in the state of Lu, some tales suggest that Lu Ban's birthplace was far west, in the remote city of Dunhuang. His family, hailing from a long line of skilled carpenters and artisans, saw him first known as Gongshu Yizhi. He was also known as Gongshu Ban or Pan, names that echoed throughout China's rich history.

Young Lu Ban didn't immediately show promise as a scholar; the influence of the revered scholar Zi Xia sparked his thirst for knowledge, turning an indifferent student into a passionate learner. His journey led him to the wise Bao Laodong, under whom he honed his craft in woodworking.

But it was not just the craft that Lu Ban mastered, it was the need of the hour that turned him into an inventor. The demands of his craft were high, and to meet them, Lu Ban turned to innovation. He transformed the world of carpentry by inventing or improving various tools - the saw, the square, the planer, the drill, the shovel, and even an ink marking device. Each invention had a purpose, each was a step towards completing his many projects more efficiently.

His legacy didn't end there. His wife, a partner in every sense, is often credited with inventing the umbrella. Her motivation was simple yet profound - she wanted Lu Ban to be able to work regardless of the weather. And so, in their ways, they both left their mark on history, shaping the world of builders and inventors in ways that continue to resonate today.


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