An advantageous Bazi (八字), representing the Eight Characters of one’s birth data in Chinese astrology, can significantly enhance your life. As you navigate your destiny, Bazi offers invaluable support and actively shapes your path. However, a favourable Bazi alone does not guarantee a fulfilling life. Therefore, understanding how to ascertain your Five Elements (五行) through your Bazi is essential for unlocking your potential and creating the life you desire.

How to Know What Your Five Elements?
The concept of Four Pillars and Bazi (四柱八字, Si Zhu Ba Zi) has been around for a long time, evolving through different stages of history. Today, there are two main methods used in Bazi calculation to determine the Five Elements:
1. Na Yin Five Elements (纳音五行)
2. Day Master Five Elements (日干五行)
Na Yin Five Elements was used in earlier periods of Bazi theory, particularly during the Tang Dynasty. At that time, to determine someone’s Five Elements, the birth year was primarily used as a reference point or "coordinate" for fortune reading, and there was a specific formula or mnemonic to determine the elements.
For example, if a person were born on September 11, 2000, at 12 PM, using a Bazi chart or a perpetual calendar, this date would correspond to the year of Geng Chen (庚辰).
Referring to the Sixty Jia Zi Na Yin Five Elements Chart (六十甲子纳音五行表), you find the verse:
"Geng Chen Xin Si White Wax Metal (白腊金)."
Thus, the person’s Five Elements would be categorised under Metal, specifically "White Wax Metal."
What is the Use of the Five Elements?
1. Understanding Bazi Through the Five Elements
Surrounding yourself regularly with items related to the favorable Five Elements can have a significant impact on your destiny. For example, certain accessories associated with the Five Elements can be helpful. Women can wear bracelets, necklaces, or waist chains, while men might opt for wrist beads or belts. Since these accessories are worn close to the body, their energetic fields gradually harmonize with your own, potentially leading to positive changes in your fate over time.
2. Understanding Feng Shui Through the Five Elements
Your home has its own Five Elements, according to the theory of "Flying Star Feng Shui" (玄空飞星学说). The style, colors, and decorations in different areas of your home—such as the living room, bedroom, kitchen, and bathroom—can significantly impact the residents' moods and well-being. For example, it's recommended to avoid having a bathroom directly facing the kitchen, to steer clear of overly bold colors in the bedroom, and to refrain from placing sharp plants at the entrance.
3. Understanding Career and Wealth Through the Five Elements
For instance, if your Five Elements favor Water (五行喜水), consider choosing a career related to water, such as water transportation, port logistics, or the shipping and cruise industries. If your Five Elements favor Fire (五行喜火), you might explore careers in the restaurant industry, lighting, optics, or metal refining. Generally speaking, working in a field that aligns with your favorable element (喜用神, Xi Yong Shen) can enhance your chances of success and efficiency.
4. Understanding Relationships Through the Five Elements
When it comes to love, friendship, family relationships, and helpful connections, the influence of the Five Elements becomes more noticeable and, at times, more complex. In these cases, it's not enough to look at just one person's Five Elements and Bazi; you also need to consider both partners' charts in a relationship or the charts of family members when examining home life and children. Additionally, the office environment and career must be taken into account for professional relationships. Only by conducting a comprehensive analysis can a more accurate outcome be determined.