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#23 剝 Bo (Eliminating)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Bo means stripping, peeling off; shedding, crumbling; or eliminating.

What is this about?

The Zhou's glorious victory over the Shang caused the Zhou to become careless. Contentment eroded their attention. Bo warns of the harmful effect of not being alert, of letting down your guard.


23.0 不利有攸往

It is not good to move in any direction. At this time, a plan will not help matters. Before moving forward, you must deal with the present moment: strip old-fashioned ideas, bad habits, and prejudices. Clear what is worn and outdated. Discard things that are not functioning. Focus on correcting the problems plaguing your growth and development. Get your business/ relationship back on track. Be alert. Take care of yourself. Accept change.

23.1 初六剝牀以足。蔑貞凶

Yin on Line 1: The moisture causes the paint on the feet of the bed to peel. Neglecting the firm foundation is risky. Do not overlook the well-being of your subordinates/ children; this next generation will support the company/family. Without fostering the future generation's support, the foundation will crumble. Likewise, give appropriate attention to the grassroots movement.

23.2 六二剝牀以辨。蔑貞凶

Yin on Line 2: The dampness affects the leg of the bed. The foundation is at risk of collapsing. Discontent is spreading to the middle class (mid-level workers, friends). The circumstances have become complex and uncontrollable. The foundation has become unbalanced. Act immediately to rectify the situation before all is lost.

23.3 六三剝之无咎

Yin on Line 3: Strip it completely. There will be no misstep. It is too late to rectify the situation. Because you cannot do anything, let it go. The business/ partnership/ romance is not fixable. Detach and make room for new opportunities.

23.4 六四剝牀以膚

Yin on Line 4: The water has disintegrated the entire bed. The skin of those who have slept in the bed is also infected. It is hazardous. Corruption has affected all strata of the business/ society/ family/ partnership: chaos, arguments, gossip, and untoward behaviour rule supreme. You are in a risky situation. Do not hang on to a rotten business/ job/ romance. To do so will cause permanent damage to your physical and mental well-being.

23.5 六五貫魚宮人寵,无不利

Yin on Line 5: Like a school of fish, those favoured by the king found refuge in the palace. It is not disadvantageous. The Zhou, who had not been corrupted, gathered safely to discuss how best to settle the situation. Avoid people who seek to damage your self-esteem, position, reputation, and spirit. Plan how to get out from under their reprobate grasp.

23.6 上九碩果不食。君子得輿。小人剝廬

Yang on Line 6: The great fruit has not been eaten. Noblemen will sit in carriages. Mean people will be stripped of their houses. Referring to the core of the Zhou government, the "great fruit" has not been damaged. The people supported those who kept honour and integrity. Stay firm and correct, and you will be acknowledged and rewarded.



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