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#1 乾 Chien (Power)

Updated: May 30


Chien means power that can be used either constructively or destructively. Chien's impressive and dynamic force represents the sky or heaven and exemplifies a significant undertaking.

What is this about?

Collectively called the Upper Classic, Chien summarises the Gua 3 through 30, chronicling the Revolution led by King Wen to overthrow the Shang dynasty.


1.0 元亨利貞

Prepare well, as you are set to play a crucial part in the birth of something extraordinary, be it a new business or a family. Through thorough preparation, you can navigate any challenges that may arise, ensuring a continuous evolution where every conclusion signifies a fresh start.

1.01 用九見羣龍无首, 吉

All Lines are Nine: A group of dragons emerges with no chief, signalling auspicious times ahead. When all six lines are solid yang (nine), the hexagram transforms into Kun. Examine each line of text along with those of Kun. The arrangement of six solid yang lines represents a gathering of dragons (talented individuals) seeking a leader to create a realm filled with harmony and success.

1.1 初九潛龍勿用

Yang on Line 1: The dragon lurks beneath the deep waters. Refrain from taking action. This statement alludes to King Wen's seven-year confinement by the oppressive Shang King. It is not the moment to embark on fresh endeavours such as projects, ventures, or starting a family. Instead, be patient for the right moment to progress. Meanwhile, focus on strategising and arranging things.

1.2 九二見龍在田。利見大人

Yang on Line 2: The dragon emerges in the field, signalling the need to gather strength for a critical mission. Meeting with a distinguished individual is beneficial. After King Wen was freed from seven years of confinement ordered by the Shang King, he returned to his land to ready a military expedition against the oppressive ruler. Nowadays, aggression is akin to a well-planned endeavour. A prominent figure can assist in setting it up, whether as a reliable advisor, business associate, or professional partner.

1.3 九三君子終日乾乾。夕惕若厲。无咎

Yang on Line 3: The nobleman is active during the day and vigilant at night. Any upcoming danger will not cause harm. This statement pertains to King Wen's military strategies against the Shang dynasty. It is advisable to put in a lot of effort initially. Check your work thoroughly for potential costly mistakes. By being cautious and wise, the outcome will be favourable.

1.4 九四或躍在淵。无咎

Yang on Line 4: The dragon is getting ready to emerge from its hiding spot and implement its plan. The Zhou army seized control of several Shang castles on the outskirts as a preliminary step before engaging in actual warfare. Once you have your plan in place, testing it will assist in identifying and overcoming any challenges.

1.5 九五飛龍在天。利見大人

Yang on Line 5: The dragon flying high above signifies the importance of having a wise leader, as seen in the transition from the Shang dynasty to the Zhou dynasty. King Wen, the great man, passed away before completing his mission. His son, King Wu, succeeded him and overthrew the Shang King. This historical event underscores the advantage of having a capable successor, particularly one groomed for the role.

1.6 上九亢龍有悔

Yang on Line 6: The dragon tends to be arrogant and overbearing, leading to feelings of regret. If King Wu had pretended to be the cruel Shang King, there would have been significant remorse. Success should be accompanied by integrity and fairness, as dishonesty and malice will only bring shame and misfortune.


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