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#50 鼎 Ding (Power)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Ding represents a bronze caldron, the character depicting a pot having four legs, two ears (handles), and one eye (the opening or the lid). The king used the caldron to prepare offerings to Heaven. In exchange, Heaven granted him ears, eyes, and legs to make him clever and able.

What is this about?

This Gua describes what happened when the Duke of Zhou installed the new Zhou administration.


50.0 元吉亨

There will be a good beginning, smooth progress, and great fortune. The new administration the Duke of Zhou introduced began on the right foot. Put into action your progressive plan, novel idea, or newfound insights. Any obstacles hindering the implementation will only sharpen and perfect your endeavour.

50.1 初六鼎顛趾—利出否。得妾以其子。无咎

Yin on Line 1: The caldron is overturned. It is advantageous to throw away the food rotting inside the vessel. The concubine gives birth to a son. There will be no blame. Referring to the Shang dynasty, the "rotting food" was replaced by a new administration, the Zhou. The new empire claimed legitimacy as if the wife was barren and the concubine gave birth to a son. Now that you are in charge of the situation rid your organisation of outdated ideas and incompetent people. On a smaller scale, your sense of empowerment drives you to shed bad habits, filling your spirit with productivity and renewed self-confidence.

50.2 九二鼎有實。我仇有疾,不我能即。吉

Yang on Line 2: The caldron is filled with offerings. The enemy is weak and cannot oppose the ruler. There will be a fortune. While the new Zhou administration was solid and filled with capable people, its weak opposition caused no harm. Ignore individuals who degrade your ideas. Your opinion is the only one that counts.

50.3 九三鼎耳革其行。塞雉膏不食。方雨虧—悔,終吉

Yang on Line 3: The caldron's ear is lost. It cannot be lifted. The fat pheasant cannot be eaten. The rain will come to cool the caldron. Eventually, there will be a fortune. Like a plump pheasant, the new Zhou government is ready. However, the loss of the caldron's "ear" (handle) suggests that few people can carry out the new system. The "rain" removes the frustration. It takes time to get a new enterprise/ relationship up and running. Expect to ride a few rough waves before you sail smoothly to success.

50.4 九四鼎折足,覆公餗。其形渥,凶

Yang on Line 4: The caldron's leg is broken. The food reserved for the nobles has split. The scene is ugly. There will be misfortune. Because the capable Zhou people could not shoulder the immense responsibility of administering a new government, they fell by the wayside, leaving the incapable ones in charge. Work to correct your situation before it turns into a disaster.

50.5 六五鼎黃耳金鉉。貞利

Yin on Line 5: The caldron's ears are replaced by brass ones decorated with gold rings. It is advantageous to be firm and correct. The corrupt people governing the newly formed Zhou administration were eventually replaced by people dedicated to installing honesty and fairness. Negative, selfish, and imprudent people impede your progress. Rid yourself of them.

50.6 上九鼎玉鉉。大吉。无不利

Yang on Line 6: The caldron is decorated with jade. There will be great fortune. There is no disadvantage. While bronze is hard, jade is soft. Each balances the other. A well-balanced system brings harmony and good luck. Executing your orders with strictness and benevolence will guarantee success.


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