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#55 豐 Feng (Overshadowing)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Feng means overshadowing, with the underlying meaning of problems prosperity brings.

What is this about?

This Gua describes an eclipse, which symbolises impending corruption and over-shadowing honesty. The Duke of Zhou admonished his young nephew, Cheng Wang (the king), about the ill effect of being extravagant.


55.0 亨王假之。勿憂,宜日中

The king watches his people enjoy prosperity. He is like the sun at its brightest. There is no worry. The Zhou empire gained an abundance of riches left behind by the Shang. The young king rejoiced in his people's extravagant lifestyle. Like the noonday sun, he felt radiant and proud. He was not aware of the lurking ramifications of sudden prosperity. Enjoy your good fortune while you can. Remember, money is the root of all evil. Be wise about spending it and boasting about it.

55.1 初九遇其配主。雖旬,无咎。往有尚

Yang on Line 1: Getting along with the destined master, nothing goes wrong for the first ten days. What follows will be revealed as time progresses. When you meet your new boss or prospective mate, there is always an enjoyable honeymoon period where everyone is on their best behaviour. What comes later remains to be seen.

55.2 六二豐其蔀。日中見斗。往得疑疾。有孚發若

Yin on Line 2: The eclipse casts a large shadow on the earth. The polestar [north star] is seen at midday. There is mistrust and suspicion. If sincerity prevails, it will be fortunate. Rumours spread that the Duke of Zhou wanted to be king. Gossip envelopes you. Take the high road and do not react against the groundless accusations. The outcome will prove positive.

55.3 九三豐其沛。日中見沬,折其右肱。无咎

Yang on Line 3: The sun is eclipsed. Even the faintest stars can be seen at midday. Someone broke his right arm in the dark. So it is not too bad after all. Like the sun's brightness is suddenly blocked, the Duke of Zhou's radiant spirit is depressed by baseless rumours. Yet the accusations were not fatal. The talks besieging you will not be severe if you have not committed wrongdoing. Eventually, your innocence will shine through.

55.4 九四豐其蔀。日中見斗。其夷主,吉

Yang on Line 4: The eclipse holds fast. The polestar can still be seen at midday. You will meet a like-minded person. There will be a fortune. The baseless rumours still hover around you. Don't fear. Your partner/significant other/superior has confidence in you. The sun will soon come out, making your days brighter.

55.5 六五來章。有慶譽,吉

Yin on Line 5: The official document arrives. It clears your name. There will be good fortune. The truth will set you free! You will be officially recognised. Congratulations.

55.6 上六豐其屋蔀。其家闚其戶。闃其无人。三歲不覿,凶

Yin on Line 6: An elegant mansion is hidden in the dark because its owner does not want to expose his wealth. If you peep inside the door, you cannot see anyone. If the situation continues for three years, there will be a danger. The Duke of Zhou warns his young nephew, the king, about the effects of extravagance and distancing himself from his people. Do not flaunt your good fortune. You will alienate your family and friends.



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