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#24 復 Fu (Turning Point)

Writer's picture: Jason ChanJason Chan

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Fu means returning with an underlying sense of recovering from a difficult period.

What is this about?

In the previous Hexagram Bo, the Zhou leaders began their rule on the wrong path, their overconfidence leading to corruption and chaos. In this hexagram, realising they had erred, the Zhou returned to the proper way.


24.0 亨。出入无疾。朋來。无咎;反復其道七日來復。利有攸往

Obstacles will not restrict movement. Each direction brings fortune. Return on the seventh day. "Seven days” indicates you will recover quickly, requiring only a short time to rebound from a period fraught with difficulty and frustration. Congratulations! Very soon, your life will be back on track.

24.1 初九不遠,復。无祗悔。元吉

Yang on Line 1: If one has not travelled the wrong path for a great distance and returns to the right course, there is no need to repent. Begin anew. This is promising. The Zhou Empire began on the wrong path. Fortunately, they rectified their ways before it was too late. Don't waste time crying over spilt milk. Take immediate measures to correct your mistake. Move forward with confidence and dignity.

24.2 六二休復吉

Yin on Line 2: Rejuvenate before returning to the proper path. There will be a future. Take a deep breath. Rest, relax, and re-energize yourself before starting fresh. Forgive and forget. You will be blessed.

24.3 六三頻復厲,无咎

Yin on Line 3: Mistakes may be repeated. If the right path is sought, there will eventually be a future. Do not be disappointed by treading the wrong path time and again. As long as your mistakes are corrected, you will not be criticised. Keep trying. Sooner or later, you'll get it right!

24.4 六四中,行獨復

Yin on Line 4: He returned alone while walking with other people. The majority is not always suitable. If you understand they have made a wrong choice or an incorrect judgment, go your way. Don't relent to their will.

24.5 六五敦復—无悔

Yin on Line 5: Return to the proper path with sincerity. Admitting your mistake is a righteous act. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

24.6 上六迷復,凶。有災眚。用行師終有大敗。以其國君,凶。至于十年,不克征

Yin on Line 6: Losing your way in a return to the proper path is dangerous. There will be trouble. If troops are lost, they will be defeated, and the king will be in danger. For ten years, he will be unable to win a battle. It may be too late to recover your loss if you do not discover the mistake in time. You will suffer unredeemable damage to your business/ career/ relationship for ten years.


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