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#49 革 Ge (Reforming)

Updated: Mar 3

Ge is all about transformation and innovation, like turning a raw hide into refined leather 🐂!

Intrigued? Gua Ge is considered a strong symbol of reform, indicating a transition from old to new, shedding away the past to make room for a future full of endless possibilities. When we talk about Gua Ge, we're talking about radical change from the grassroots level! How perfect is that for a fresh start? 🔄💫

What is this about?

This Gua describes how the Duke of Zhou, a key figure in Chinese history, helped King Wu reform the Zhou empire into a prosperous, efficient, and united nation. The Duke of Zhou became the Minister of Rites, a position that established ceremonial rites and the appropriate music for specific occasions (such as weddings and burials).


49.0 已日乃孚。元亨利貞。悔亡

The ruler must be determined to reform to gain the people's trust. It will be smooth from the beginning and fortunate in the end. Minor inconveniences will be forgotten. Old ideas must be discarded to make way for the new. Remember, reform is not just a choice, it's inevitable. Although some people may be unwilling to accept an idea or undertake your progressive ideas, ignore their stubbornness and short-sightedness and continue on your path. You are not making a mistake.

49.1 初九鞏用黃牛之革

Yang on Line 1: To be strong, use the hide of a yellow ox. This metaphor suggests that to achieve a successful reform, one must start with a strong foundation, just as the choice of raw material is essential in making fine leather. Likewise, for reform to be successful, it must be based on practical ideas and carried out by capable people. So make sure your concept is well-thought-out, well-planned, and well-researched. Then, you can't go wrong.

49.2 六二已日乃革之。征吉,无咎

Yin on Line 2: Sufficient time has passed. It is time to institute changes. There is worth in perseverance. The time is ripe. Put into action your plan/idea/project. With persistence and determination, your endeavour will prove successful.

49.3 九三征凶貞厲。革言三就有孚

Yang on Line 3: There is resistance. It is dangerous. But remember, persistence will overcome obstacles. The plans must be examined and reexamined three times before further action. Eventually, the people will concede. You must often explain and present your idea/plan before acceptance. While the time-consuming task is frustrating, the leg work will ultimately pay off. Stay resilient and determined in the face of resistance.

49.4 九四悔亡。有孚。改命吉

Yang on Line 4: The situation is resolved. Everyone is confident about the reform. There will be a fortune. Mistakes are unavoidable. Identify and correct them early on, and you will be respected for your attention to detail, honesty, and determination. Your idea has been accepted. Proceed as planned.

49.5 九五大人虎變。未占有孚

Yang on Line 5: The superior man changes like a tiger changing its stripes. Divination is not needed. The people will change. The 'superior man' refers to King Wu and his brother, the Duke of Zhou. They led the reform as naturally as a tiger takes to hunting. This line emphasizes the role of capable leadership in driving reform. You are a capable leader. You do not need the approval to implement your ideas. Everything will go according to plan.

49.6 上六君子豹變。小人革面。征凶。居貞吉

Yin on Line 6: Honorable men change like a leopard changes its spots. Inferior men only appear to accept the change. Misfortune lurks behind the scenes. This line warns about individuals who may pretend to support the reform but work behind the scenes to sabotage it. Persevere. There will be a fortune. While some people will wholeheartedly help carry out your ideas, others will only pretend to. They work behind your back to sabotage your endeavours. Fortunately, these unscrupulous individuals represent the minority. Proceed at full strength, and there will be a success.



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