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#18 蠱 Gu (Decaying)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Gu means decaying, and the character displays three worms in an urn. In ancient Chinese culture, a jar is a container for food. When food rots, it becomes infested with maggots and insects.

What is this about?

Gu points to a corrupt establishment. When the food is rotten, it must be replaced. This analogy suggested a turning point, the moment of change when the Zhou returned the rotten Shang.


18.0 蠱元亨, 利涉大川. 先甲,三日. 後甲,三日

It is favourable to cross the great stream. The three days before and the three days after the change are the most vital. If your job/relationship has soured, it's time to move on. If you assume the leader of a corrupt company, work diligently to turn the situation around. Use the three days before the new beginning to prepare your mind, body, and spirit. Use the three days after the change to establish new rules and goals.

18.1 初六幹父之蠱. 有子, 考无咎, 厲終吉.

Yin on Line 1: The father left him a corrupt establishment. If the son is capable, he will correct it. Although the task will be difficult, he will succeed. Here, "father"; symbolises the Shang dynasty; "son” represents the Zhou dynasty. When King Wu won the empire from the cruel King Shang, he inherited an administration fraught with corruption.

Regardless, King Wu strived to correct past misdeeds. The rotten business is in your hands. Take the bull by the horns and right the wrongs. There will be a success. On a smaller scale, correcting your lousy attitude will open new doors.

18.2 九二幹母之蠱,不可貞

Yang on Line 2: The mother left him a corrupt crew. He should replace it. Here, "mother" represents the corrupt administrators. King Wu replaced all the Shang officers with a new administration. Out with the old, in with the new. It's time to let go of those associates/ friends/ entanglements hampering your growth and development.

18.3 九三幹父之蠱,小有悔,无大咎

Yang on Line 3: There may be regret if one takes over his father's spoiled business and forces him to resign. At times, King Wu felt guilty about overthrowing the Shang. However, don't be remorseful about a broken personal or business relationship that led to your success. You earned your position. You will do well.

18.4 六四裕父之蠱往見吝

Yin on Line 4: Disregarding your father's wrongdoing will cause contempt by others. King Wu made King Shang's son the figurehead of the Shang capital. King Wu then assigned his three younger brothers to monitor his activities. Do not be too gullible of offenders. Install competent people to help keep wayward in line. Keep an eye on their whereabouts and actions.

18.5 六五幹父之蠱, 用譽

Yin on Line 5: You must establish your reputation to mend your father's misconduct. Like his father, King Wu was a benevolent ruler. His decrees were enforced without rebellion. To rectify a situation, you must first secure an admirable reputation. Only then will you gain respect and affection.

18.6 上九不事王侯, 高尚其事

Yang on Line 6: Some people will not serve the king and his lords. They prefer to pursue a mission of their own. After the uprising and the establishment of Zhou rule, some Shang administrators resigned from their posts. They should be praised. Let them contribute in their way. If you're promoted, don't expect supporters of your predecessor to follow you.



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