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#53 漸 Jian (Gradual Progress)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Jian means gradually progressing, moving forward, and advancing in incremental steps.

What is this about?

This Gua tells how the Zhou empire gradually progressed to become a prosperous and united nation under the leadership and guidance of King Wu and the Duke of Zhou.


53.0 女歸,吉。利貞

A betrothed woman must prepare her wedding step by step for it to be fortunate. It will be advantageous to be firm. The preparation for a wedding is a tremendous undertaking. It must be done slowly, with great thought and care. To rule a country or manage an enterprise is no less complicated. Attention to detail, staunch determination, and unwavering commitment will ensure a successful venture. Progress gradually and capably.

53.1 初六鴻漸于干。小子厲。有言無咎

Yin on Line 1: The wild swan gradually lands by the river's edge. It is like a young man in danger of being spoken against. There will be no mistake. The king was weighed down by widespread discontent when the Zhou empire was established. You are just beginning a career/ relationship. Approach with care and humbly accept constructive criticism. There is always room for improvement.

53.2 六二鴻漸于磐。飲食衎衎,吉

Yin on Line 2: The wild swan gradually lands on a large rock. He eats and drinks happily. There will be a fortune. Your company/ project/ relationship is on firm ground. Your staff/partner is content. Congratulations! You are on the right track.

53.3 九三鴻漸于陸。夫征不復。婦孕不育,凶。利禦寇

Yang on Line 3: The wild swan gradually lands on the dry plateau. It is like a husband going to war with an unknown return date. It is also like a pregnant woman losing her unborn baby. There will be misfortune. Defend against intruders. The swan landing on barren soil symbolises the new Zhou empire taking a wrong turn (as indicated in Guai). You are going in the wrong direction. Stop what you are doing. Defend yourself against misfortune.

53.4 六四鴻漸于木;或得其桷。无咎

Yin on Line 4: The wild swan gradually lands in the woods. There, he finds branches on which to rest. There will be no mistake. It is safer to be in the treetops than on the ground. Find a safe place to relax, regroup, and re-energize before starting a new venture/ relationship. Then, be sure of your next move.

53.5 九五鴻漸于陵。婦三歲不孕。終莫之勝吉

Yang on Line 5: The wild swan gradually lands on high ground. It is like a woman who fails to conceive in three years. Finally, misfortune leaves. The wish is fulfilled. When King Wu conquered the 99 rebel nations, his people could rest. Although conceiving an empire of peace and plenty was difficult, it proved successful. You have accomplished your mission. You are ready for something new.

53.6 上九鴻漸于陸。羽可用為儀,吉

Yang on Line 6: The wild swan gradually flies above the clouds. The feather that falls to the ground is used in a ceremony. There will be a fortune. Although King Wu died two years after the founding of the Zhou dynasty, he laid a foundation that lasted for some 800 years. When you have accomplished something great, it is time to aspire to an even higher, more ambitious goal. When you have successfully established a relationship, why not consider partnership/ marriage?



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