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#29 坎 Kan (Danger)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Kan means cavern or falling into a cavern—a dangerous situation. Since this hexagram is comprised of two trigrams, it implies double danger.

What is this about?

This Gua describes the danger the Duke of Zhou faced during the first three years he assisted his nephew, the new king, Cheng Wang.


29.0 有孚維;心亨。行有尚

He repeatedly falls into difficult situations. Faith and sincerity provide a connection to the hearts of others. His action is noble and benevolent. While the Duke of Zhou’s three brothers prepared for a coup d'etat, the son of the Shang king (whom they were assigned to monitor) organised his rebellion by allying with small neighbouring tribes. The situation was hazardous. Yet, because the Duke of Zhou gained the people's trust, he restored order. Accept the challenge and confront the danger. Remove any barriers impeding your path. Seek assistance from those loyal to you. Take charge of the situation and move forward with confidence.

29.1 初六習坎。入于坎窞。凶

Yin on Line 1: He repeatedly falls into the deep and becomes trapped inside the cavern's deepest recess. There is danger. Any attempt to climb out of trouble places you in even greater peril. All you can do is adapt to the present situation. Bide your time and wait out the storm.

29.2 九二坎有險。求小得

Yang on Line 2: Danger creeps in the cavern. Advance with small steps. The Duke of Zhou first earned the support of other senior officials before launching a full-scale attack against his brothers. Walk softly, proceeding in small steps. Patience and perseverance are the keys to getting out of danger's way.

29.3 六三來之坎坎。險且枕。入于坎窞勿用

Yin on Line 3: Risky situations come one after the other. It is progressively dangerous. Do not act. Enemies (gossipers, devious individuals, war) surround you. Whatever direction you take will lead to greater danger. Stay calm. Do not dance to their tune.

29.4 六四樽酒簋貳。用缶納約,自牖。終无咎

Yin on Line 4: Even for ceremonies, wine is in simple pottery and rice in bamboo baskets. Everything is conducted with extraordinary modesty. In the end, there will be no mistakes. Now is not the time to be extravagant. Do not spend beyond your means. Be frugal. Keep things simple.

29.5 九五坎不盈,祗既平。无咎

Yang on Line 5: The cave's water has not yet overflowed. It is only up to ground level. So there will be no mistake. The danger/ problem you face is still under control. It will not become a considerable threat. Soon, it will be over.

29.6 上六係用徽纆。寘于叢棘。三歲不得,凶

Yin on Line 6: He is tied up with ropes and thrown into a thicket of thorns. He has been unwilling to release himself for three years. It is hazardous. The cruel Shang king caused many to distrust the leader and government. The Zhou had great difficulty convincing the commoners otherwise. Your problem is deep-seated. It will take three years to mend this painful and troublesome situation.



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