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#47 困 Kun (Confining)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Kun means confining. Being oppressed and fatigued is also indicative of Kun.

What is this about?

This Gua describes how the Duke of Zhou and his troops were trapped by the rebel tribes that would not pledge allegiance to the new Zhou government.


47.0 亨,貞大人吉。无咎。有言不信

It is fortunate for the superior man. Even though his words are not respected, there will be no blame. But, unfortunately, you are not being taken seriously. These are trying times—oppression rules. But don't worry. Optimism will help you overcome these frustrating obstacles. Remain noble, and the bad will give way to the good.

47.1 初六臀困于株木,入于幽谷。三歲不覿

Yin on Line 1: Upon entering a gloomy valley, he sits on a tree stump feeling oppressed. The sun will not rise for three years. Due to your lack of preparation and unfamiliarity with the situation at hand, you have made a drastic mistake. The tragic circumstances have darkened your spirit. You will not be able to right the wrong for three years.

47.2 九二困于酒食。朱紱方來利—用享祀。征—凶,征凶无咎

Yang on Line 2: The mistake is caused by overeating and drinking. The scarlet kneepads have arrived. It is advantageous to use them at the sacrificial ceremony. It is dangerous to launch an attack. The situation will change for the better. The "scarlet kneepads" denote the rank of a duke. Overindulging in food and drink implies the Duke of Zhou made hasty decisions about the military attack against the 99 tribes. His eagerness clouded his clarity of mind. As a result, he lost the first battle. Your zeal has caused you to make a mistake. In the future, do not make casual decisions about an important matter. Calm down. Take a deep breath and think things through logically and thoroughly.

47.3 六三困于石,據于蒺蔾。入于其宮,不見其妻,凶

Yin on Line 3: It is distressing to be trapped among stones, your movement confined by thorns. Entering the palace, you fail to find your wife. It is dangerous. In a difficult situation, a man finds comfort in his wife. Because you cannot find proper counsel, you must deal with a difficult situation alone. Use your discretion wisely.

47.4 九四來徐徐。困于金車。吝有終

Yang on Line 4: The chariot's heavy metal wheels slow the army coming to the rescue. It is shameful. Yet, the rescue effort will eventually arrive. King Wu sent his troops to rescue the Duke of Zhou and his legions, trapped by rebel tribes refusing to recognise the Zhou government. You're in a precarious situation. Wait patiently, and the much-needed assistance will arrive in time.

47.5 九五劓刖。困于赤紱,乃徐有說。利用祭祀

Yang on Line 5: Those wearing red kneepads threatened to punish by cutting off a person's nose and feet. He accepted his sentence peacefully and sacrificed to Heaven for good fortune. Here, "red kneepads" symbolise aggressive ministers who avenge misdeeds. You have made a dreadful mistake. You may be fired or asked to leave your post. Do not retaliate. It was meant to be.

47.6 上六困于葛藟,臲卼。曰動悔有悔,征吉

Yin on Line 6: Oppressed by creeping vines on unsteady ground, any movement will bring remorse. Acknowledge the mistake and continue. The result will be fortunate. You are in an unstable situation/relationship. Carefully evaluate your next move. You do not want to make the same mistake twice. If you take the high road, the result will be positive.



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