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#21 噬嗑 Shi Ke (Law & Order)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Shi Ke symbolises the importance of maintaining law and order.

What is this about?

When King Wen began the uprising against King Shang, his allies came from afar to support his effort. King Wen founded rules and regulations to discourage chaos and ensure order for all to abide by. Wrongdoers were promptly punished.


21.0 亨利用獄

To Shi Ke indicates smooth progress. First, it is helpful to establish law and order. After King Wu won the military campaign, he had to conquer 99 rival nations that did not wish to commit loyalty to the Zhou administration, a daunting task by anyone's measure. King Wu took decisive action to ensure his allies worked as a cohesive unit. The laws his father founded were strictly enforced. Before you embark on an enterprise or establish a business or personal partnership, sign a binding agreement.

21.1 初九履校滅,趾。无咎

Yang on Line 1: Locking up feet until the toes are inside the cuff serves as a warning to minor offenders. It will work. In ancient China, the delinquent's feet were locked inside a heavy shoe as retribution for a crime. The sentence warranted more severe punishment if a serious crime had been committed. Lightly punish those who commit minor mistakes so they know they have wronged.

21.2 六二噬膚滅鼻。无咎

Yin on Line 2: For those who commit serious crimes, biting off the skin by whipping and breaking the nose by punching is fitting. There will be no misstep. A person must suffer the consequences of their misdeeds. Be unprejudiced when judging others. Let your decision be fair. Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill.

21.3 六三噬腊肉;遇毒。小吝,无咎

Yin on Line 3: Biting on preserved meat. It is hard and dry. It is not severe. Biting on this type of meat illustrates discovering something dangerous or poisonous. Even if someone is only an accomplice to the crime or offence, they should be punished as if they committed the untoward act. Although others may deem the judgment controversial, it is not a mistake. Stand firm. Get rid of those who poison your efforts.

21.4 九四噬乾胏,得金矢。利艱。貞吉

Yang on Line 4: Biting on preserved meat with bones, one must use a golden arrow. The task is difficult. Insist on justice, and there will be a stroke of luck. Sometimes it is difficult to remain faithful while imposing your assessment. Seize the ''golden arrow'' by gaining support from the highest authority (the court, the president of your firm, a family figurehead). Carry out your decision. You have not made a mistake.

21.5 六五噬乾肉,得黃金,貞厲,无咎

Yin on Line 5: Biting meat jerky and finding gold is tricky. Insist on justice, and there will be no mistakes. You may be in danger if the one judging you accepts a bribe ("gold") or is biased against you. Likewise, don't betray your conscience if you are subjected to pressure. Pass on a fair judgment. It is the righteous thing to do.

21.6 上九何校滅耳。凶

Yang on Line 6: Imposing heavy penalties is dangerous. Although maintaining law and order is essential, certain degrees of leniency must be maintained. Imposing hefty fines on first-time offenders is unjust. Give people the benefit of the doubt and be lenient. Your kindness will be appreciated.



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