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#11 泰 Tai (Stature)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Tai means stature. Eminence and abundance are also indicative of Tai.

What is this about?

Hexagram Tai and Fou are opposites. While Tai describes the booming beginnings of the Shang dynasty, Fou describes its collapse. Yet, together, they serve a valuable lesson about the effect of corruption on a nation.


11.0 小往;大來。吉亨

The small gives way to the great. What is insignificant, petty and unimportant is departing. What is excellent, essential and magnificent is arriving. Progress yields success. It will be profitable. This is a time of new beginnings. So, although you may have to take one step back to progress two steps forward, don't worry; you're heading in the right direction. Stay focused. Act with integrity and sincerity.

11.1 拔茅茹以其彙,吉

Yang on Line 1: Remove the weeds that damage the roots. It is an excellent time to attack. Eliminating the Xia dynasty's last ruler marked the beginning of the Shang Era. Disengage from hostile and manipulative individuals. Subjecting yourself to another's misery causes depression and anxiety. Weed these people out of your life. Such action will bring positive results.

11.2 包荒用馮河不遐。遺—朋亡。得尚于中行

Yang on Line 2: Gathering uncultured people from all directions. Do not overlook capable people who live afar. Employ those who can cross the river without a boat. You may have to disregard some friends. Act with fairness. These lines capture the strategy of the early Shang leaders. Fairness was ensured by giving everyone an equal opportunity to serve in the government. Avoid preferential treatment. Select those who are indeed worthy of the task at hand. Such is the quality of a good leader.

11.3 无平不陂。无往不復。艱貞无咎。勿恤其孚。于食有福

Yang on Line 3: There is no plan without a slope. What has passed will return. Persevere under challenging times. There will be no mistakes. Sincerity will bring happiness. Like any nation, Shang experienced times of peace and plenty, followed by periods surrounded by turmoil with discord. The good days will replace the bad with perseverance, a positive attitude, and sincerity. Hold firm during challenging periods. Value the good ones.

11.4 六四翩翩。不富以其鄰。不戒以孚

Yin on Line 4: Rich resources are not reliable. Invite neighbours and trust them to work amicably. The Shang dynasty prospered because they had the human resources to extract abundant natural resources. A great opportunity is before you. Use your connection to assist in executing your idea. Share your success with those who have helped to pave the way.

11.5 六五帝乙歸妹。以祉元吉

Yin on Line 5: Previous King Shang married his youngest sister to King Wen. The marriage marked the beginning of great fortune. The marriage between two powerful tribes was necessary to strengthen the Shang ruler's position. Merging with another company, or marrying the appropriate person, will support both parties.

11.6 上六城復于隍。勿用師;自邑告命。貞—吝

Yin on Line 6: The castle's wall fell into a moat. Military action should be avoided. The feudal lords do not obey orders. Being firm will bring regret. Because of the flagrant corruption infesting the Shang government, the entire empire was in turmoil. Therefore, expecting the commoners to trust its leadership was delusional. If there's a problem at home, it must be cured from within. If betrayal and deception plague your workplace, you will lose business. Outsiders cannot trust what is not trustworthy.



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