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#31 咸 Xian (Influencing)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Xian means influencing. Conjoining, bringing together, and connecting are also indicative of Xian. Specifically, it describes how a man woos or coaxes a woman.

What is this about?

This Gua uses the analogy of courtship to explain the art of making friends and acquiring beneficial associates. During the uprising against the Shang, the Duke of Zhou brought people together by rallying support for his brother, King Wu. He carefully listened to potential allies to understand their wants and needs.


31.0 亨,利貞。取女,吉

He who woos the girl with perseverance will be fortunate. The Zhou leaders courted prospective partners, ensuring that a marriage between tribes would lead to peace and prosperity. Understand your mate/ partner/ competition by studying them. Win their love/ friendship/ loyalty with integrity and truth.

31.1 初六咸其拇

Yin on Line 1: Watch the movement of his big toe. His big toe leads a person's gait. Observe how people lead their lives. Understanding their intentions lets you decide if a particular individual would make a good mate/partner.

31.2 六二咸其腓,凶。居吉

Yin on Line 2: Watch the movement of his calf. It is dangerous. Watching a person's calf means they can kick or hurt means they can kick or damage your reputation, self-esteem, or objectives—approach with caution. Do not befriend this person until you fully understand their motives.

31.3 九三咸其股。執其隨。往吝

Yang on Line 3: Follow the movement of his thighs. It is regretful. The following someone without first understanding their motive and ideals is foolhardy. Do not accept other people's opinions blindly. Investigate the truth. Follow the proper movement.

31.4 九四貞吉。悔亡。憧憧往來。朋從爾思

Yang on Line 4: Do not be remorseful. Do not hesitate. You will lose friends. Be firm, and there will be a fortune. Do not waste time repenting past transgressions. Also, how can you expect others to follow your ideas and support your goals if you are indecisive? Have a plan and stick to it.

31.5 九五咸其脢。无悔

Yang on Line 5: Pat him on the back. There will be no regrets. Friends/ co-workers/ subordinates/loved ones need your support and encouragement. Cheer on their accomplishments. Make them proud. This is the right course of action.

31.6 上六咸其輔,頰,舌

Yin on Line 6: Watch his jaws, cheeks, and tongue. Understand others by observing their speech and facial expressions. Do they look you in the eye when they speak to you? Are their words well-chosen and sincere? Developing a mutual understanding is essential to a meaningful friendship/partnership.



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