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#62 小過 Xiao Guo (Small Test)

Updated: Apr 28, 2023

Xiao Guo means small testing passing a small test.

What is this about?

Many people were suspicious of the Duke of Zhou's intentions when he agreed to assist his young nephew, King Cheng Wang. This Gua describes the small tests the Duke of Zhou had to pass to win the people's confidence.


62.0 亨。利貞可小事;不可;大事。飛鳥遺之音。不宜上。宜下。大吉

There is an advantage in small matters, but not for important ones. The flying bird's squawk can reach only Earth and not Heaven. There will be great fortune. It is advantageous to be firm. The Duke of Zhou understood he must accomplish small tasks first. His orders are like the bird's, which must reach the officers, not the king, the Son of Heaven. For the time being, it is better to take care of small matters. Tie up loose ends. You cannot tackle an important issue until your desk is cleared.

62.1 初六飛鳥,以凶

Yin on Line 1: The bird ascends. There will be a danger. The Duke of Zhou could not go above the young king's head and mandate unrealistic ordinances that could not be fulfilled. Likewise, I understand your job position. Trying to implement rules/ideas that your superior can only do will bring an unfavourable outcome.

62.2 六二過其祖;遇其妣。不及其君,遇其臣。无咎

Yin on Line 2: Missing the ancestor, he meets the ancestress. Unable to meet the king, he meets the minister. There will be no mistake. These lines refer to the situation after King Wu died. Since his son was too young to govern, everyone counted on the Duke of Zhou to administer the new empire. In unusual circumstances, you must take on exceptional responsibilities. Don't complain. It is an opportunity to display your talent, determination, and loyalty.

62.3 九三弗過。防之,從或戕之。凶

Yang on Line 3: Without taking extraordinary precautions, it is easy to get hurt. The situation is dangerous. Sometimes the Duke of Zhou was too harsh with King Cheng Wang, his young nephew. This gave many the idea that he sought to replace the king. You are in a sensitive position. Act within your rank. Do not overstep your boundaries.

62.4 九四无咎。弗過遇之。往厲—必戒. 勿用永貞

Yang on Line 4: There will be no error if the superior is not bypassed. Avoid danger. Do not perpetually insist. If you do not overstep your boundaries, you will not encounter any problems. Doing so would endanger your name.

62.5 六五密雲不雨自我西郊。公弋取彼在穴

Yin on Line 5: Although dense clouds gather over the western suburbs (Zhou), it does not rain. The duke shoots with a tethered arrow and hits the game in a cave. The Duke of Zhou successfully suppressed the rebellion led by his three brothers, thereby dispersing the dark cloud hovering over the empire. Although your situation seems to be disastrous, it is not. Take action and resolve the matter at hand.

62.6 上六弗遇過之。飛鳥離之,凶。是謂災眚!

Yin on Line 6: Passing by without meeting the target is like a bird soaring. It will bring disaster and danger. Going over your superior's head will make them resent you. You will have to suffer the consequences of your action. Do not overstep your boundaries.


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