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#42 益 Yi (Increasing)

Updated: Mar 3

The wisdom of the I Ching, symbolised by Yi, is a beacon of enlightenment. It signifies growth, advantages, profits, and benefits, much like the start of the lunar year in February. Yi promises a new beginning and growth, inspiring us with its profound wisdom.

Life operates in a delicate balance, a circle where increase is often balanced by decrease. This gua teaches us the beauty of this balance, reassuring us that for those with plenty, there is value in sharing with those with little, fostering a sense of peace and harmony 🤝.

But remember, one should also contribute substantially before expecting something in return. This explains the reciprocal relationship between increase and decrease.

Yi, signified by Wind above Thunder, is a symbol of power and swift change. It urges us to correct our faults quickly and embrace change, motivating us to ardently pursue prosperity and be ready for action.

What is this about?

This Gua describes how the Zhou government benefited from increasing its revenue by taxation and spending the surplus wisely.


42.0 利有攸往. 利涉大川

It is advantageous to proceed in any direction. It is beneficial to cross the great stream. In Sun, the government helped people prosper by decreasing taxation and increasing welfare. Here, it is the opposite. When you enjoy prosperity, it is time to implement what you did not have the means to do before. Begin a new business, advance our education, and donate to a charity. Step into the great stream and let your drive carry you forward. Invest in your future.

42.1 初九利用為大作。元吉,无咎

Yang on Line 1: The people use government aid for agriculture. The harvest is bountiful. There is fortune from the beginning. There is no mistake. When money is well spent, you can see the results. Do not be stingy. Contribute wholeheartedly to a good cause.

42.2 六二或益之十朋之龜。弗克違。永貞吉。王用享于帝,吉

Yin on Line 2: When the people prospered, they offered the king ten pairs of turtle shells. How can the king refuse such a kind gift? It will be fortunate to maintain the right policy. The king offered the turtle shells to Heaven. Show your appreciation for your good fortune by giving back to the community. Volunteer. Become a mentor. Make a generous donation to a worthy charity or cause. You will be rewarded.

42.3 六三益之用凶事。无咎。有孚中行。告公用圭

Yin on Line 3: Taxation must be increased when the country is devastated by natural phenomena or war. There will be no blame. The dukes must be officially informed. Messengers for the Zhou government were sent bearing new tax policies to officers administering the dynasty's outer regions. When more capital is needed to carry forth your enterprise/ education, ask your partners/ parents to contribute. A well-prepared report (or a glowing report card) will guarantee their support.

42.4 六四中行,告公從。利為依遷國

Yin on Line 4: Tell the dukes to follow the appropriate action. The increased revenue may be used to relocate the capital. Advise your managers to prepare for relocation or an altered directive course. On a smaller scale, now is the time to seek new avenues of interest or plan a career change. You may have to relocate.

42.5 九五有孚惠心。勿問。元吉。有孚惠我德

Yang on Line 5: As long as they are sincere and benefit the people, there is no need to divine the auspiciousness of your actions. Proceed as planned. It is not necessary to ask God or a higher power for guidance. If what you seek to do is carried out with integrity, sincerity, and fairness, you will be blessed.

42.6 上九莫益之。或擊之立心。勿恆凶

Yang on Line 6: Some dukes refuse to increase taxes. They even attack the policymakers. Some dukes do not collect taxes. It is perilous. Some people oppose your ideas. Some even attack your credibility and intention. Others cannot decide. Your situation is troublesome, awkward, and danger-prone. Be careful.



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