Kwan Yin Qian Moderate
葉夢熊朝帝 (中籤)
Ye Meng Xiong met the Emperor
觀音靈簽第十六簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【中籤卯宮】愁眉思慮暫時開,啟出雲霄喜自來; 宛如糞土中藏玉,良工薦舉出塵埃。
Set aside your concerns and sorrows. Joy will come as the clouds part. An experienced artisan would quickly discover its worth like a jade shard buried amid excrement.This advises you to remain optimistic and patient, as your current challenges will lead to a valuable discovery or opportunity.
觀音靈簽第十六簽:詩意 Meaning
What you desire will be fortuitous if Yin and Yang are in balance.
觀音靈簽第十六簽:解曰 Interpretation
得處無失 損中有益 小人逢凶 君子順吉
There is some benefit but no loss. Rest assured, the damages will be repaired. The villain will receive his due. The good will be rewarded.
觀音靈簽第十六簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 不利 Not favourable
自身 Self: 秋冬吉 Auspicious in Autumn & Winter
求財 Wealth: 成 Successful
交易 Transaction: 成 Successful
婚姻 Marriage: 成 Successful
六甲 Birth: 虛驚 False alarm
行人 Traveler: 至 Has arrived
尋人 Person you seek: 見 Will be found
公訟 Lawsuit: 不利 Not favourable
移徙 Migration: 守舊 Maintain status quo
失物 Lost object: 阻 Obstruction
疾病 Health & sickness: 作福 Do more good deeds
觀音靈簽第十六簽:典故 Allegory
葉夢熊朝帝。 明朝。 葉夢熊嘉靖年進士。 為人有膽識。 忠貞愛國。 萬曆年間。 邊疆地帶有寇作亂。 可未有將領敢前往平亂。 葉上朝晉見神宗皇帝。 求領兵討伐邊寇。 為國效力。
Ye Mengxiong meets the Emperor: This is a historical reference to Ye Mengxiong, a scholar during the Ming Dynasty. He was known for his courage, insight, and loyalty to his country. In the Wanli period, rebellious forces existed in the border areas, but no generals dared to go forward to quell the rebellion. Ye, however, went to court to meet the Shenzong Emperor, asking to lead the army to fight the border rebels and serve the country. This reading encourages you to be brave and proactive in your endeavours.