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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 28 觀音靈簽第二十八簽

Updated: Aug 27

Kwan Yin Qian

Kwan Yin Qian Moderate

李後尋包公 (中籤)

Imagine the intrigue when Justice Bao met Lady Li during the Song Dynasty.

觀音靈簽第二十八簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【中籤午宮】東邊月上正蟬娟,頃刻雲遮亦暗存; 或有圓時還有缺,更言非者亦閒言。

The pale moon appears to rise from the east. Clouds sometimes obscure them, yet they are always present. It's circular at times, and it's crescent at times. The truth is that such nonsense does not exist.

觀音靈簽第二十八簽:詩意 Meaning


Clouds have clouded the moon. The current situation is fuzzy and unpredictable, highlighting the need for guidance.

觀音靈簽第二十八簽:解曰 Interpretation

浮雲遮月 不須疑惑 等待雲收 便見收穫

Even though the moon is obscured by passing clouds, there is hope. Do not be hesitant. You will see the rewards after the clouds have cleared.

觀音靈簽第二十八簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 不安 Not safe

自身 Self: 祈保 Pray for protection

求財 Wealth: 阻 Obstruction

交易 Transaction: 吉 Propitious

婚姻 Marriage: 不合 Not suitable

六甲 Birth: 有驚 There is a scare

行人 Traveler: 滯 Delay

尋人 Person you seek: 難 Challenging

公訟 Lawsuit: 虧 Loss

移徙 Migration: 守舊 Maintain status quo

失物 Lost object: 西方 West

疾病 Health & sickness: 難痊 Difficult to recover

觀音靈簽第二十八簽:典故 Allegory

李後尋包公。 (朝野史)宋李後。 為劉后與奸佞郭槐所害。 李後所懷太子生后被換狸貓。 李後乃宋真宗妃。 給劉妃陷害。 把狸貓剝皮去尾。 調換太子。 李後被打入天牢。 劉后又迫害李后。 李後逃出天牢後乞食。 哭泣至失明。 包公審此案。 夜審郭槐。 尋回李後。 真相大白。

Li Hou seeks Bao Gong: (Historical Records) During the Song Dynasty, Li Hou was harmed by Empress Liu and the deceitful Guo Huai. The prince Li Hou was carrying was switched with a raccoon dog after birth. Li Hou was the consort of Emperor Zhenzong of the Song Dynasty. She was framed by Consort Liu, who switched the prince with a raccoon dog (after skinning it and removing its tail). Li Hou was thrown into the heavenly prison. Then, Empress Liu further persecuted Li Hou. After escaping from the heavenly prison, Li Hou begged for food and cried until she became blind. In a night court session, Bao Gong (Judge Bao) played a crucial role. He took on the case, interrogated Guo Huai, and found Li Hou. His divination skills were instrumental in revealing the truth.



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