Kwan Yin Qian Inauspicious
董永賣身 (下籤)
Dong Yong sells himself.
觀音靈簽第三簽:吉兇宮位 Lot Verse
【下籤子宮】臨風冒雨去還鄉,正是其身似燕兒; 銜得坭來欲作壘,到頭壘壞複須坭。
After braving the winds and rains, a wanderer returns. Working like a swallow, building in vain a clay shelter that collapses and disappears whenever it rains.
觀音靈簽第三簽:詩意 Meaning
臨風冒雨去還鄉,正是其身似燕兒; 銜得坭來欲作壘,到頭壘壞複須坭。
Your attempts will be futile, like a bird attempting to build a nest out of clay to protect itself from rain.
觀音靈簽第三簽:解曰 Interpretation
千般用計 晨昏不停 誰知此事 到底勞心
Even if one tries every method and means available, slogs hard night and day, all efforts will eventually be futile.
觀音靈簽第三簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 先兇後吉 Bad times will pass, good times ahead
自身 Self: 謹防 Take precautions
求財 Wealth: 有 Available
交易 Transaction: 成 Successful
婚姻 Marriage: 不合 Not suitable
六甲 Birth: 男 Boy
行人 Traveler: 吉 Propitious
尋人 Person you seek: 見 Will be found
公訟 Lawsuit: 有理 Reasonable settlement
移徙 Migration: 安 Safe
失物 Lost object: 見 Will be found
疾病 Health & sickness: 還願 Redeem a wish
觀音靈簽第三簽:典故 Allegory
Prepare to be surprised as Dong Yong's life takes unexpected turns. During the Han Dynasty, Dong Yong, a man from Qiancheng, lost his mother at a young age and raised his father alone. They lived in Xiaogan. When his father died, he had no means to bury him. So, he borrowed ten thousand coins from someone, promising his servitude when he couldn't repay the debt. After the burial, seeing his filial piety, Heaven sent a fairy to marry him. Dong Yong met a woman who asked to be his wife. He lived with her. The lender ordered her to weave three hundred pieces of brocade to repay the debt. She finished within a month, said farewell to Dong Yong and revealed her identity as the Heavenly Weaver. She said that due to his filial piety, the Jade Emperor sent her to help him repay the debt. After saying this, she ascended to the heavens. She left their three-year-old son with Dong Yong, promising to return him when he was sixteen. Later, their son became the top scholar in the imperial examination and returned to his hometown in glory.