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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 36 觀音靈簽第三十六簽

Updated: Aug 26

Kwan Yin Qian

Kwan Yin Qian Moderate

湘子遇賓 (中籤)

Xiangzi met Lü Dongbin.

觀音靈簽第三十六簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【中籤申宮】眼前病訟不須憂,滿地資財盡可求; 恰似猿猴金鎖脫,自歸山洞去來游。

Don't be concerned about being sick or fighting because you have money and resources to aid you. Like a monkey released from its golden chain, free to roam the mountains and caverns. Your safety and well-being are assured.

觀音靈簽第三十六簽:詩意 Meaning


A monkey broke free from its chain. After you have overcome the obstacles and hardships, things will get easier.

觀音靈簽第三十六簽:解曰 Interpretation

脫除了事 且自寬心 待得時來 堪尋正路

Get rid of your concerns and problems. Expand your horizons. Wait for the proper moment, and the right way will appear.

觀音靈簽第三十六簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 不安 Not safe

自身 Self: 安 Safe

求財 Wealth: 大利 Very favourable

交易 Transaction: 待時 Wait

婚姻 Marriage: 未成 Not ready yet

六甲 Birth: 祈保 Pray for protection

行人 Traveler: 至 Has arrived

尋人 Person you seek: 至 Has arrived

公訟 Lawsuit: 有理 Reasonable settlement

移徙 Migration: 吉 Propitious

失物 Lost object: 遠 Far

疾病 Health & sickness: 欠安 Lacks safety

觀音靈簽第三十六簽:典故 Allegory

湘子遇賓。 韓湘子和呂洞賓都是八仙。 韓湘子其標誌為手持花籃。 韓湘子唐朝詩人。 字若雲。 湘祖名仲卿。 父名會。 為韓愈之侄。 韓湘子好飲酒。 自少學道。 被洞賓引渡同入山修道登仙。 號瑤華帝君。

Han Xiangzi meets Lu Dongbin. Both Han Xiangzi and Lu Dongbin are among the Eight Immortals. Han Xiangzi, a poet from the Tang dynasty, is known for carrying a flower basket. His real name is Zhongqing, and he is from the family name Xiang. His father is Hui, and he is Han Yu's nephew. Han Xiangzi was fond of drinking and pursued Daoist studies from a young age. Dongbin guided him into the mountains to practice Daoism and attain immortality. He is also known as Emperor Yao Hua.


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