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Guanyin Qian Lot 43 觀音靈簽第四十三簽

Updated: Aug 26

Guanyin Qian Auspicious

行者得道 (上籤)

The Monkey achieved the Way.

觀音靈簽第四十三簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【上籤戌宮】天地變通萬物全,自營自養自安然; 生羅萬象皆精彩,事事如心謝聖賢。

Heaven and Earth combine to form all life, where all species flourish, grow, and survive. Be amazed by life's uniqueness and variety. And in this awe-inspiring diversity, we must not forget to thank the saints for everything excellent in our lives.

觀音靈簽第四十三簽:詩意 Meaning


Heaven and Earth unite to create life. Everything is fortunate, and there is no danger.

觀音靈簽第四十三簽:解曰 Interpretation

天生萬物 謀望皆通 福德相助 瑞氣匆匆

Everything is intricately linked, just as the Heavens give life to everything. Understanding this will bring you both prosperity and goodwill. You'll have a lot of luck.

觀音靈簽第四十三簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 吉 Propitious

自身 Self: 安 Safe

求财 Wealth: 有 Available

交易 Transaction: 利 Favorable

婚姻 Marriage: 合 Suitable

六甲 Birth: 男 Boy

行人 Traveler: 有阻 Will face an obstruction

寻人 Person you seek: 见 Will be found

公讼 Lawsuit: 胜 Victorious

移徙 Migration: 利 Favorable

失物 Lost object: 东西 East or West

疾病 Health & sickness: 禳星 Pray to dispel ominous stars

觀音靈簽第四十三簽:典故 Allegory

行者得道。 西遊記載。 行者本為花果山猴王。 訪求仙法。 拜須菩提祖師作師父。 祖師賜姓孫。 法名悟空。 歷七年也不知何者為道。 祖師打悟空頭三下又倒背著手。 悟空明白打三下即三更時份。 倒背著手指從後門授道。 於是祖師授悟空長生之道。 又過三年。 更修得七十二變。 離家二十年後。 返回花果山。

The journeyman attains the Tao, as recorded in Journey to the West. This journey of the Monkey King, initially from the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit, seeking the Daoist magic and acknowledging Patriarch Subhuti as his master, is a profound example of spiritual growth. The patriarch granted him the surname "Sun" and the Dharma name "Wukong." For seven years, he did not understand what the Tao was. The patriarch hit Wukong on the head three times and stood with his hands clasped behind his back. Wukong understood that the three hits represented the third watch of the night, and the hands behind the back indicated that he would receive the Tao from the back door. Therefore, the patriarch taught Wukong the way to eternal life. Three more years passed, and Wukong achieved the seventy-two transformations. He returned to the Mountain of Flowers and Fruit twenty years after leaving home.



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