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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 45 觀音靈簽第四十五簽

Updated: Aug 26

Kwan Yin Qian Auspicious

仁宗認母 (上籤)

Emperor Renzhong acknowledged his mother.

觀音靈簽第四十五簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【上籤戌宮】溫柔自古勝剛強,積善之門大吉昌; 若是有人佔此卦,宛如正渴遇瓊漿。

The gentle and kind will triumph against the powerful and violent. Kind deeds will be rewarded with tremendous wealth for the family. Whatever drew this lot, magnificent wines will quench your thirst.

觀音靈簽第四十五簽:詩意 Meaning


Tenderness and kindness will attract peace and assistance from prominent people.

觀音靈簽第四十五簽:解曰 Interpretation

天地有感 應驗非常 佛神護佑 得之莫忘

Piety will sway Heaven and Earth. Never forget the kindness and compassion that Heaven has shown you.

觀音靈簽第四十五簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 吉 Propitious

自身 Self: 安 Safe

求財 Wealth: 遂 As desired

交易 Transaction: 利 Favorable

婚姻 Marriage: 合 Suitable

六甲 Birth: 男 Boy

行人 Traveler: 阻 Obstruction

尋人 Person you seek: 見 Will be found

公訟 Lawsuit: 勝 Victorious

移徙 Migration: 利 Favorable

失物 Lost object: 東方 East

疾病 Health & sickness: 祈福 Pray for blessings

觀音靈簽第四十五簽:典故 Allegory

仁宗認母。 宋李後。 為劉后與奸佞郭槐所害。 李後所懷太子生后被換狸貓。 李後乃宋真宗妃。 給劉妃陷害。 把狸貓剝皮去尾。 調換太子。 李後被打入天牢。 劉后又迫害李后。 李後逃出天牢後乞食。 哭泣至失明。 包公審此案。 夜審郭槐。 真相大白。 仁宗皇帝在八王爺等安排下,擺起輦駕,親自到破窯皇帝母子相會迎回親娘。 每天焚香禱告,祈求上天為母親賜福。 不久,李太後的眼睛果然又重見光明。

Renzong confesses to his mother. Song Li Hou. Empress Liu and the traitor Guo Huai killed him. Empress Li's crown prince was replaced with a tanuki after his birth. Empress Li was the Concubine of Zhenzong of Song. Framed Concubine Liu. Skin and tail the tanuki. Change the prince. Empress Li was thrown into a heavenly prison. Empress Liu persecuted Empress Li. Empress Li begged for food after escaping from the heavenly prison and crying to blindness. Bao Gong tried the case. Night trial Guo Huai. Truth. Under the arrangement of the eighth prince and others, Emperor Renzong set up his chariot and personally went to the broken kiln emperor's mother and son to meet and welcome back his mother. Incense is burned every day, and I prayed for heaven's blessing for my mother. Soon, Empress Dowager Li's eyes saw light again.



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