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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 51 觀音靈簽第五十一簽

Updated: Aug 26

Kwan Yin Qian Auspicious

孔明入川 (上籤)

Zhuge Kongming entered Si Chuan.

觀音靈簽第五十一簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【上籤子宮】夏日炎天日最長,人人愁熱悶非常; 天地也解知人意,熏風拂拂自然涼。

The days are very long and very hot in the summer. Many people are concerned about the high temperatures. When God and Nature become too aware of human greed, they send a refreshing southerly breeze to satisfy people's needs.

觀音靈簽第五十一簽:詩意 Meaning


The heat of Autumn affects everyone. If you keep at it, things will work out how you want them to.

觀音靈簽第五十一簽:解曰 Interpretation

進退莫疑 自有佳期 營謀用度 不須妄為

Please don't hesitate to keep going with it. It's time to start implementing your plans, but keep things low-key and not too risky.

觀音靈簽第五十一簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 祈福 Pray for blessings

自身 Self: 謹防 (兇中有吉) Take precautions (there is a blessing despite evil occurrences)

求財 Wealth: 秋吉 Auspicious in Autumn

交易 Transaction: 平常 Normal

婚姻 Marriage: 合 Suitable

六甲 Birth: 男 Boy

行人 Traveler: 動 On the move

尋人 Person you seek: 見 Will be found

公訟 Lawsuit: 吉 Propitious

移徙 Migration: 舊 Old

失物 Lost object: 北方 North

疾病 Health & sickness: 還願 Redeem a wish

觀音靈簽第五十一簽:典故 Allegory

孔明入川。 劉備缺地盤。 時益州的劉璋。 被北方的張魯攻打。 想到劉備與他同姓同宗。 就讓劉備入益州同抗張魯。 孔明隨劉備入益州。 詳察地勢。 西川一帶。 地形險要可攻可守。 經孔明多方佈置。 西川就成了劉備發源地。

Kongming enters Sichuan. Liu Bei, in need of territory, found himself in a precarious situation. At the time, Liu Zhang of Yizhou was under attack from the north by Zhang Lu. Recognizing the potential alliance with Liu Bei, who shared the same surname and clan, Liu Zhang invited him to Yizhou to resist Zhang Lu jointly. Kongming (Zhuge Liang), a strategic genius, accompanied Liu Bei into Yizhou, where he meticulously observed the terrain. The strategic importance of West Sichuan, with its potential for both attack and defence, did not escape his keen eye. Through Kongming's astute arrangements, West Sichuan became the pivotal point for Liu Bei's expansion, a testament to Kongming's strategic brilliance and its profound impact on history.



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