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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 61 觀音靈簽第六十一簽

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

Kwan Yin Qian Moderate

蘇小妹難夫 (中籤)

Su Xiaomei’s battles of wits with the husband

觀音靈簽第六十一簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【中籤寅宮】日上吟詩月下歌,逢場作戲笑呵呵; 相逢會遇難藏避,唱彩齊唱連理羅。

Poems can be spoken during the day, songs can be sung at night, and such gatherings can be filled with laughter and enjoyment. Such joy is unusual and challenging to conceal, so let us sing to our heart's delight as a happy couple would.

觀音靈簽第六十一簽:詩意 Meaning


Allow things to continue as they are and wait for the right opportunity. Things will turn out well when the time comes.

觀音靈簽第六十一簽:解曰 Interpretation

佳人在屋 吟唱詩曲 一片歡心 命中禍福

A festive scene in which a lovely lady entertains with songs and poetry. Fortunes and misfortunes are predetermined.

觀音靈簽第六十一簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 安 Safe

自身 Self: 吉 Propitious

求財 Wealth: 順 Smooth

交易 Transaction: 利 Favorable

婚姻 Marriage: 成 Successful

六甲 Birth: 女 Girl

行人 Traveler: 至 Has arrived

尋人 Person you seek: 至 Has arrived

公訟 Lawsuit: 有理 Reasonable settlement

移徙 Migration: 吉 Propitious

失物 Lost object: 兇 Ominous

疾病 Health & sickness: 即痊癒 Will make a full recovery soon

觀音靈簽第六十一簽:典故 Allegory

蘇小妹難夫。 宋朝。 蘇小妹即蘇東坡之妹。 博學多才。 新婚之夜。 蘇小妹吟詩又出對聯。 備三個難題考夫婿。 有意刁難新郎秦少游。 至第三題苦思著。 幸好得蘇東坡暗助。 才可入洞房。 有頌曰:文章自古說三蘇。 小妹聰明勝丈夫。 三難新郎真異事。 一間秀氣世間無。

Su Xiaomei tests her husband. During the Song Dynasty, Su Xiaomei, also known as Su Dongpo's sister, was knowledgeable and talented. On her wedding night, Su Xiaomei recited poetry and composed couplets, presenting three difficult questions to test her new husband, Qin Shaoyou, intending to challenge him. When it came to the third question, Qin Shaoyou was struggling to find an answer. Fortunately, he received secret help from Su Dongpo, allowing him to enter the bridal chamber. A famous praise goes: "Literature since ancient times speaks of the three Sus. Xiaomei is intelligent, surpassing her husband. The three challenges to the groom are truly unusual. A room filled with charm that is unparalleled in the world."

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