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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 64 觀音靈簽第六十四簽

Updated: Aug 26

Kwan Yin Qian Inauspicious

馬前覆水 (下籤)

马前覆水 Spilled waters cannot be recovered

觀音靈簽第六十四簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【下籤卯宮】遊魚卻在碧波池,撞遭羅網四邊圍; 思量無計翻身出,事到頭來惹事非。

Imagine a fish, swimming in a clear blue pond, suddenly finding itself trapped in a net. Despite its frantic attempts to escape, it's all in vain. This is a powerful metaphor for life's inevitable challenges.

觀音靈簽第六十四簽:詩意 Meaning


A fish entangled in the net. It is preferable to take measures.

觀音靈簽第六十四簽:解曰 Interpretation

屋下安身 禍從天降 早覺先防 免遭災殃

While a roof provides protection, disaster can still strike. However, if you remain vigilant and take precautions, you can potentially avert the calamity. This is a comforting reminder of the power of preparation.

觀音靈簽第六十四簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 兇 Ominous

自身 Self: 險 Precarious

求財 Wealth: 虛 False

交易 Transaction: 中平 Average

婚姻 Marriage: 不合 Not suitable

六甲 Birth: 驚 Scare

行人 Traveler: 有阻 Will face an obstruction

尋人 Person you seek: 杳 Distant and out of sight

公訟 Lawsuit: 虧 Loss

移徙 Migration: 吉 Propitious

失物 Lost object: 兇 Ominous

疾病 Health & sickness: 有災險 There is danger

觀音靈簽第六十四簽:典故 Allegory

漢朝。 會稽郡人氏姓朱。 買臣。 夫妻住於陋巷蓬門。 家道貧苦。 行歌誦書。 砍柴賣錢度日。 賣柴憑人估值。 其妻嫌他貧苦。 離他而去。 買臣曰。 吾年五十當富貴。 即時自可報汝。 其妻不聽。 適田夫后。 五十歲時。 漢武帝求賢。 拜為會稽太守。 其妻自悔有眼無珠。 要求再合。 願降為婢妾。 伏侍終身。 買臣命取水一桶。 潑於階下曰。 若水可收。 則可複合。 覆水難收示不能再合。 念結發之情。 買臣呼車載其夫婦。 判後園隙地與妻及其夫耕種自食。 其妻遂投河而死。 與夫錢以葬之。

During the Han Dynasty, a man named Zhu Mai Chen lived in the Kuaiji region. He and his wife lived in a humble alley with a ragged door, and their family was impoverished. He made a living by singing, reciting books, and chopping wood to sell. Others estimated the price of the wood he sold. His wife despised him for his poverty and left him. Mai Chen said, "When I am fifty, I will be wealthy and can repay you," but his wife did not listen and married another man. The moral of the story is that wealth and status are not the only measures of a person's worth.

When he reached fifty, Emperor Wu of Han sought virtuous and talented people, and Mai Chen was appointed as the governor of Kuaiji. His ex-wife regretted her decision, acknowledging her failure to recognise his worth, and asked to be reunited with him, even offering to serve as his maid for the rest of her life. Mai Chen commanded a bucket of water to be poured onto the steps and said, "If you can gather up this water, we can reunite." This symbolic act underlined the theme that some actions, once taken, cannot be undone.

However, remembering their marriage, Mai Chen had a carriage take his ex-wife and her husband to a small piece of land in his back garden where they could grow their food. His ex-wife then threw herself into the river and died, a tragic end to their story. Mai Chen, despite everything, gave her husband money for her burial, showing his compassion even in the face of such tragedy.



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