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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 68 觀音靈簽第六十八簽

Updated: Aug 25

Kwan Yin Qian Moderate

汾陽祝壽 (中籤)

Guo Fenyang celebrated his birthday.

觀音靈簽第六十八簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【中籤卯宮】門廷吉慶喜非常,積善之門大吉昌; 婚姻田蠶諸事遂,病逢妙藥即安康。

The celebration at the gate was large and jubilant, with blessings and good fortune for the generous and kind. The divination results indicate that marriage, farming, and everything else will go as planned, and the sick will recover miraculously. This is a time of prosperity and success.

觀音靈簽第六十八簽:詩意 Meaning


Happy gate celebrations. Everything is going nicely.

觀音靈簽第六十八簽:解曰 Interpretation

積善之家 必有餘慶 忠義之門 拱照福星

A family that performs excellent deeds will amass wealth. The descendants of the faithful will be blessed.

觀音靈簽第六十八簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 旺 Prosperous

自身 Self: 安 Safe

求財 Wealth: 春旺 Prosperous in Spring

交易 Transaction: 遂 As desired

婚姻 Marriage: 成 Successful

六甲 Birth: 防驚 Shock prevented

行人 Traveler: 到 Already here

尋人 Person you seek: 至 Has arrived

公訟 Lawsuit: 勝 Victorious

移徙 Migration: 如意 As one wishes

失物 Lost object: 急尋 Look for urgently

疾病 Health & sickness: 安 Safe

觀音靈簽第六十八簽:典故 Allegory

汾陽王郭子儀祝壽。 唐朝大將軍郭子儀。 精於謀略。 用兵持重。 治軍寬嚴得當。 深得部下敬服。 身經百戰。 功勳卓著。 歷事玄宗、肅宗、代宗、德宗四朝。 勤於職守。 一生系國家安危。 郭汾陽。 做大壽。 親友來賀。 一片歡樂。 喜氣洋洋。 其家人出將入相。 既富貴亦壽考。 七子八婿。 皆為朝廷顯官。 據說他做壽那天。 家人拜壽時把朝笏(朝見皇帝時捧在手中的那塊板)放在床上。 竟致堆滿一床。 可見家中大官之多。

The celebration of General Guo Ziyi's birthday was a grand affair. Guo Ziyi, the great general of the Tang Dynasty, was skilled in strategy and careful in military deployment. He managed his army with leniency and strictness and was deeply respected by his subordinates. He went through numerous battles and had remarkable achievements. He served four emperors, Xuanzong, Suzong, Daizong, and Dezong, and diligently performed his duties. His whole life was tied to the safety of the state. Guo Fenyang celebrated his grand birthday with friends and relatives coming to congratulate him, creating an atmosphere of joy and festivity. His family members held high-ranking positions in the military and government, achieving wealth and longevity. He had seven sons and eight sons-in-law, all of whom held prominent positions in the court. On his birthday, when his family members came to pay their respects, they placed the court tablets (the boards held in their hands when seeing the emperor) on the bed. The bed was piled high with these tablets, showing the number of high-ranking officials in his family.



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