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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 72 觀音靈簽第七十二簽

Updated: Aug 25

Kwan Yin Qian Moderate

王莽求賢 (中籤)

Wang Mang searched for talents.

觀音靈簽第七十二簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【中籤辰宮】養蜂須用求他蜜,只怕遭觸尾上針; 須是眼前有異路,暗裡深如荊棘林。

Beekeeping, a pursuit for honey production, is not without its challenges. The constant threat of stings from the bees' tails adds a layer of nervousness. Despite the potential for various ways to make a living, beekeeping is a path filled with concealed thistles and thorns, demanding resilience and dedication.

觀音靈簽第七十二簽:詩意 Meaning

此卦結蜂采蜜之象,諸事勞心費力; 此卦求甜得苦之象,凡事防範災殃。

Gathering bees to harvest honey is a relentless struggle to obtain some sweetness. It demands a significant amount of hard work and effort, but the perseverance pays off. Every step is taken to prevent disasters, showcasing the dedication and resilience of beekeepers.

觀音靈簽第七十二簽:解曰 Interpretation

事須仔細 不用強求 結蜂采蜜 有甚來由

Every aspect of beekeeping must be carefully considered. It's not about asking for the moon, but about meticulous planning and execution. Raise bees for honey, and you will be rewarded for your efforts, knowing that you've done everything in your power to ensure success.

觀音靈簽第七十二簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 欠利 Conditions are not favourable

自身 Self: 防 Defense

求財 Wealth: 阻 Obstruction

交易 Transaction: 遲 Will be late

婚姻 Marriage: 阻隔 Cut off

六甲 Birth: 虛驚 False alarm

行人 Traveler: 遲 Will be late

尋人 Person you seek: 難 Challenging

公訟 Lawsuit: 虧 Loss

移徙 Migration: 莫動 Do not move

失物 Lost object: 兇 Ominous

疾病 Health & sickness: 設送 Pray to send the illness away

觀音靈簽第七十二簽:典故 Allegory

王莽求賢。 漢。 王莽依其姑母乃漢元帝之後。 官封為新都侯。 為人謙恭。 又廣結豪傑賢能。 仗義疏財。 后王莽篡漢。 改國號為新。 由於實行復古制度。 加深人民痛苦。 不久劉秀起來推翻王莽。 恢復漢室。 史稱后(東)漢。

Wang Mang's quest for talent was not just a personal endeavour. As the nephew of Emperor Yuan of Han through his aunt, he was granted the title of Marquis of Xin Du. A humble and modest man, he was widely connected with talented and capable heroes. His righteousness and generosity were well-known. However, his usurpation of the Han Dynasty and the subsequent changes he implemented, which deepened the people's suffering, led to his downfall. Liu Xiu rose to overthrow Wang Mang and restore the Han Dynasty, a historical event known as the Later (Eastern) Han.



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