Kwan Yin Qian Auspicious
智服姜維 (上籤)
Jiang Wei outwitted
觀音靈簽第八十九簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【上籤酉宮】出入營謀大吉昌,似玉無瑕石裡藏; 若得貴人來指引,斯時得寶喜風光。
Your plans and schemes are on a path to success. Guided by a person of wealth and authority, you will uncover diamonds and treasures, much like valuable jade concealed in a stone.
觀音靈簽第八十九簽:詩意 Meaning
Everything is promising and aligning with your heart's desires, much like discovering gems hidden in stones.
觀音靈簽第八十九簽:解曰 Interpretation
如石藏玉 貴人指示 得祗稱心 歡懷得意
Someone will guide you to fulfil your destiny, like uncovering jade in a stone. The joy and delight you will experience will be immeasurable.
觀音靈簽第八十九簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 吉利 Auspicious and favourable
自身 Self: 康泰 Healthy and well
求财 Wealth: 遂意 To one’s liking
交易 Transaction: 成 Successful
婚姻 Marriage: 成就 Success
六甲 Birth: 男 Boy
行人 Traveler: 动 On the move
寻人 Person you seek: 见 Will be found
公讼 Lawsuit: 胜 Victorious
移徙 Migration: 吉 Propitious
失物 Lost object: 在 Present
疾病 Health & sickness: 安 Safe
智服姜維。 姜維字伯約。 三國時魏大將。 事母至孝。 文武雙全。 智勇足備。 諸葛亮極為愛惜。 因此設計如何智取姜維歸順。 諸葛亮一面派軍攻打姜維母親居住的冀城。 引姜維出兵保護。 一面派人在夜間假扮姜維投降蜀(劉備)攻打天水城。 混亂魏軍。 使他們相信姜維已叛變。 然後逼使姜維走投無路,下馬向諸葛亮投降。 諸葛亮下車迎接姜維。 待之以禮。 姜維也心悅誠服的歸順劉備了。 (三國演義)
Jiang Wei was a wise and talented general. His courtesy name was Boyue, and he served as a great general during the Three Kingdoms period under the state of Wei. He was highly respectful to his mother and skilled in literature and martial arts. Possessing both wisdom and courage, he was greatly cherished by Zhuge Liang, who thus devised a plan to win Jiang Wei's allegiance.
Zhuge Liang's cunning plan was a resounding success. He sent troops to attack Jicheng, where Jiang Wei's mother resided, to lure Jiang Wei out to protect her. At the same time, he sent people to pretend to be Jiang Wei and surrender to the Shu (Liu Bei) forces while attacking Tianshui City at night. This created chaos within the Wei army, leading them to believe that Jiang Wei had betrayed them.
Jiang Wei was forced to surrender to Zhuge Liang with no other choice. Upon Jiang Wei's surrender, Zhuge Liang personally welcomed him and treated him with utmost respect. Jiang Wei, in turn, sincerely submitted to Liu Bei. (Romance of the Three Kingdoms)