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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 90 觀音靈簽第九十簽

Updated: Aug 25

Kwan Yin Qian Auspicious

葦佩遇仙 (上籤)

Wei Pei met a fairy

觀音靈簽第九十簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【上籤酉宮】忽言一信向天飛,泰山寶貝滿船歸; 若問路途成好事,前頭仍有貴人推。

A word is suddenly conveyed from the sky, and ships return bearing wealth as high as mountains. If you want to know what lovely things are on the horizon, be advised that assistance from someone will propel you forward.

觀音靈簽第九十簽:詩意 Meaning


You will have both accomplishments and celebrity. It would be best if you kept moving forward without hesitation.

觀音靈簽第九十簽:解曰 Interpretation

若問功名 前有貴人 更添喜氣 財祿豐盈

If fame and wealth are what you seek, remember that seeking assistance is key. The abundance of wealth and jewels in your future makes the scenario even more joyful, but it's the assistance you receive that will truly propel you towards your goals.

觀音靈簽第九十簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

諸事佳吉 求之順遂

According to this Lot, everything will be pleasant and optimistic. Your deepest desires will come true, bringing you a sense of joy and fulfilment you've longed for.

觀音靈簽第九十簽:典故 Allegory

韋佩遇仙。 窮書生韋佩年近四十。 牽驢過洛陽橋。 一漁夫賣大鱉。 韋佩不忍。 但缺錢。 遂以驢換鱉。 於橋下放生。 從此韋佩中舉。 加官晉爵。 或指此鱉為仙所化。 故曰韋佩遇仙。

Wei Pei meets an immortal. This story of Wei Pei, an impoverished scholar nearly forty years old, is a tale of unexpected fortune. Wei Pei leads a donkey across the Luoyang Bridge, where a fisherman is selling a giant turtle. Lacking money, Wei Pei exchanges the donkey for the turtle and releases it under the bridge. From that moment, Wei Pei's life takes a dramatic turn. He passes the imperial examination, gets promoted, and becomes a noble. Some say the turtle was transformed by an immortal, hence the title' Wei Pei meets an immortal '.



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