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Kwan Yin Qian Lot 15 觀音靈簽第十五簽

Updated: Aug 27

Kwan Yin Qian

Kwan Yin Qian Moderate

蘇秦得志 (中籤)

Su Qin found success.

觀音靈簽第十五簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse

【中籤卯宮】行人怨日氣難吞,忽有災事勿近前; 鳥破林巢無所宿,可尋深處穩安身。

A disagreement is difficult to swallow. When trouble is on the horizon, get as far away as possible. You may only find refuge in deep regions, like a bird whose nest has fallen.

觀音靈簽第十五簽:詩意 Meaning


Like a bird searching for a safe place to build its nest in a dense jungle, you may initially face challenges and hardships. However, just as the bird's struggles are temporary, so too will your difficulties soon be overcome.

觀音靈簽第十五簽:解曰 Interpretation

若人和怨 何時可伸 好言不信 守舊待時

It will take time to resolve any hatred or anger directed towards you. Nobody will believe you, even if you intend well. Stay put, tolerate, and bide your time.

觀音靈簽第十五簽:仙機 Celestial Messages

家宅 Household: 先兇後吉 Bad times will pass, good times ahead

自身 Self: 謹防 Take precautions

求財 Wealth: 吉 Propitious

交易 Transaction: 成 Successful

婚姻 Marriage: 阻滯 Obstruction & delay

六甲 Birth: 男 Boy

行人 Traveler: 順 Smooth

尋人 Person you seek: 見 Will be found

公訟 Lawsuit: 有理 Reasonable settlement

移徙 Migration: 遠可 May move further

失物 Lost object: 難見 Difficult to find

疾病 Health & sickness: 還願 Redeem a wish

觀音靈簽第十五簽:典故 Allegory

蘇秦得志。 戰國。 蘇秦。 洛陽人。 師鬼穀子。 遊說秦王。 書十二上其說。 不行。 裘敝金盡。 憔悴而歸。 至家妻不下織機(不理睬其夫)。 嫂不為炊(不煮飯給其叔)。 秦慚怒。 得太公陰符。 發憤苦讀。 困怠時用錐刺股。 痛而再讀。 再出謀事。 以合從(合縱)之說。 聯六國抗秦。 說趙竟佩六國相印。

Su Qin gains prestige: During the Warring States period, Su Qin, a man from Luoyang, studied under Gui Guzi. He visited the king of Qin and presented his strategies in twelve documents, but they were not accepted. His clothes became tattered, and his money ran out. He returned home in a state of emaciation. At home, his wife did not stop weaving (ignored her husband), and his sister-in-law did not cook for him (did not cook for her brother-in-law). Su Qin felt ashamed and angry. He obtained the "Hidden Talisman" of Jiang Tai Gong and devoted himself to intense study. When he felt tired, he would prick his thigh with an awl, which caused pain and motivated him to continue reading. He went out again to propose strategies and suggested a vertical alliance (He Zong), which involved uniting six countries against Qin. Zhao accepted his plan and wore the seal of the prime minister of the six countries.



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