Kwan Yi Qian Auspicious
李旦龍鳳配合 (上籤)
A predestined match
觀音靈簽第二十一簽:吉凶宮位 Lot Verse
【上籤辰宮】陰陽道合總由天,女嫁男婚喜偎然; 但見龍蛇相會合,熏熏入夢喜團圓。
Heaven decides how Yin and Yang, the two opposing but complementary forces in the universe, should interact. A happy marriage is one between a man and his wife. When the dragon or snake arrives to greet, a joyful family reunites with dreams of heirs.
觀音靈簽第二十一簽:詩意 Meaning
Things are expected to go well because Yin and Yang are in harmony.
觀音靈簽第二十一簽:解曰 Interpretation
謀望從心 婚姻孕男 資財進益 更利田蠶
Your deepest desires will come true, including marriage and a son. Money and wealth will follow, and your life will be filled with abundance and blessings. It is even more beneficial to the crops.
觀音靈簽第二十一簽:仙機 Celestial Messages
家宅 Household: 安 Safe
自身 Self: 利 Favorable
求財 Wealth: 有 Available
交易 Transaction: 成 Successful
婚姻 Marriage: 合 Suitable
六甲 Birth: 男 Boy
行人 Traveler: 至 Has arrived
尋人 Person you seek: 見 Will be found
公訟 Lawsuit: 有理 Reasonable settlement
移徙 Migration: 昌盛 Prosperous
失物 Lost object: 得見 Can be found
疾病 Health & sickness: 遇良方 Will find an excellent cure
觀音靈簽第二十一簽:典故 Allegory
李旦龍鳳配合。 李旦為唐睿宗。 武則天登基。 皇帝貶作平民。 流落鄉間。 巧與胡鳳姣相遇。 結為夫婦。 民間傳說他們二人手上各有半個從胎帶取出的方印。 經鬥印證明他們能合一。 龍指睿宗。 喻婚姻由天也。
Li Dan's dragon and phoenix match: Li Dan was Emperor Ruizong of Tang. When Wu Zetian ascended to the throne, he was demoted to a commoner and ended up in the countryside. By chance, he met Hu Fengjiao, and they got married. According to popular legend, each of them had half of a square seal taken from their umbilical cord, and by joining the two halves together, they confirmed their match. The dragon refers to Ruizong, symbolising that marriages are predestined. On the other hand, the phoenix symbolises the female counterpart in this match, Hu Fengjiao, and their union was believed to be a divine match.