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Lessons we can learn from USA 1960 to apply in 2020

Updated: May 28, 2020

Chinese organize their calendar in 60 years 六十花甲子. It is a combination between 10 (5 Yin and 5 yang elements) heavenly stem 十天干 and 12 horoscope signs 十二地支(十二生肖) adds up to 60, which makes up a cycle. 60 years ago from 2020 in the year 1960.

We can approach a holistic approach with broad generalization to find a direction to navigate this year. Let us explore the similarity and differences in Time 天, Earth 地 and Human 人.

1) Time 天

1960 is the year of the Metal Rat 庚子年 60 years ago from 2020. Both 1960 and 2020, it is an election year for the United States. Coincidentally, it is suffering from the recession of 1960–61 and 2020-?.

In 1960, US had a 2.6% growth rate, 6.6% unemployment, 2.3% inflation and Fed Cut. The Dow fell 13.9% from Dec. 31, 1959, to Nov. 1, 1960. It closely followed the economic downturn of the recession, which started in April 1960. It lasted ten months, until Feb. 1961 when President Kennedy used stimulus spending to end it.

February 2020, US inflation rate eased to 2.3% in February of 2020. US unemployment rate decreased to 3.5 per cent in February of 2020 from 3.6 per cent in the previous month while markets had expected it to be unchanged at 3.6 per cent.

2) Earth 地

In 1960, US has a conflict with Russia over the U2 incident. The cold war between US and Russia escalated as the two sides distrusted the other more and tried to influence other parts of the world. US announces that 3,500 American soldiers are going to be sent to Vietnam.

In 2020, Coronavirus plagued the world and a massive pandemic. Many people suffered and died. The statistic of US is on the rise. US and China have ongoing tension over the trade war and blaming of the virus.

3) Human 人

In 1960, US Presidential candidates John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon took part in the first-ever televised presidential debate during September. We may see innovation regarding this presidential race in 2020.

34th President Dwight D. Eisenhower and 45th President Donald Trump belongs to the Republican Party. Before office, Dwight D. Eisenhower was an American army general. Donald Trump is a businessman and television personality before office. This differences in background can contribute mainly to the crisis management in the White House.

Today’s key is to access our situation so that we can take appropriate action and benefit from it. The possibilities of our actions are limitless and not necessary to set goals too far. Emotional distress can cause us to shift towards poor choices. When self-esteem is threatened, people become upset and lose their capacity to regulate themselves. I want to share the two different system that we can use. There are like yin and yang. It is up to the individual to blend the systems.

System 1: Holistic (Yin Aspect)

Associative- judgement based on similarity and temporal contiguity

Rapid parallel processing

Approximately differentiated- broad generalization

Approximately integrated – context-specific processing

System 2: Analytic (Yang Aspect)


Slow, serial processing

More highly differentiated

More highly integrated – cross-context processing



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