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Modern History of China Part 2

This article attempts to present a concise picture of significant developments.

Events are grouped chronologically into major directories, with individual years listed in sub-directories.

Events outside of China and those involving foreign countries are listed in blue.

It is important to note that the information presented here does not necessarily match official or academic versions of history, which often suffer from distortion, taboo, official censorship, self-censorship, diplomatic constraints, etc.

We will continue to check and update accordingly.

The modern history of China can roughly be divided into several periods:

  • End of the Qing Dynasty (1911)

  • Civil wars and the Republican period (1912 - 1936)

  • War with Japan (1937 - 1945)

  • People’s Republic of China vs Republic of China (1949 - )

  • Modernization and democracy movements (1976 - )

Major Events

  • British victory at the Battle of Waterloo. (1815)

  • First Opium War. (1840)

  • Second Opium War. (1858)

  • Meiji Restoration in Japan. (1868)

  • First Sino-Japanese War. (1894)

  • Hundred Days' Reform. (1898)

  • Founding of the Republic of China. (1911)

  • Yuan Shikai attempts to become emperor.(1912-1916)

  • First World War. (1814-1818)

  • May Fourth movement for science and democracy. (1919)

  • Civil war among warlords. (1920-1923)

  • Northern Expedition and establishment of Nationalist China. (1924-1928)

  • Civil wars. (1929-1936)

  • Second Sino-Japanese War. (1937-1945)

  • Second World War. (1939-1945)

  • Civil war between Nationalists and Communists. (1945-1949)

  • Land reform in Taiwan. (1949)

  • Founding of the People’s Republic of China. (1949)

  • Korean War. (1950-1953)

  • Great Leap Forward. (1958-1961)

  • Cultural Revolution. (1966-1976)

  • Economic reform and the Four Modernizations. (1978)

  • Democratic elections in Taiwan. (1986)

  • Democracy movement in Beijing. (1989)


February – The first Soviet representative, A. K. Paikes, arrives in China to negotiate Beijing’s recognition of the government in Moscow and issues regarding Red forces occupying Outer Mongolia.

Spring – Eight members of the Chinese Communist Party leave for Soviet Russia.

May – Sun Yat-sen becomes president of the Guangzhou government.

July - A government supported by Soviet Russia was established in Outer Mongolia.

July – The first congress of the Chinese Communist Party was held in Shanghai with two Soviet representatives present.

August - Sun Yat-sen makes contact with Moscow.

November – Outer Mongolia signs a friendship treaty with Soviet Russia. Russia recognizes the government of Outer Mongolia.

November - Washington Conference attended by nine countries, with the Beijing government representing China. Soviet Russia is omitted. There will be no unequal treatment of China in the future, but Sun Yat-sen's proposals are rejected.

December – Russian representative Maring approaches Sun Yat-sen to ally Comintern and the Nationalist Party. Maring also wishes Communist members to be admitted into the Nationalist party. Sun only agrees to maintain contact with Comintern.


February – Guangzhou government forms an alliance with Zhang Zuolin and Duan Qirui against Wu Peifu.

March - Guangzhou government launches an unsuccessful attack to the north.

April - First war between the Zhili (Wu Peifu) and Northeast (Zhang Zuolin) factions begins.

May – Wu Peifu defeats Zhang Zuolin and gains control of Beijing.

May – Wu Peifu and Zhang Zuolin signed a peace agreement.

June - Zhang Zuolin announces autonomy of Manchuria (Northeast).

June – With the support of Wu Peifu, Li Yuanhong resumes his role as president of the Beijing government. Wu now controls a territory that covers fifteen provinces and districts.

June – The Chinese Communist Party announces a willingness to ally with the Nationalist Party to form a united front.

June – Cheng Jiongming demands the resignation of Sun Yat-sen. Chen’s troops attack Sun Yat-sen’s presidential residence in Guangzhou. Sun escapes to a gunboat moored near the British concession. Chiang Kai-shek joins him on the gunboat. Chen gains control of Guangdong province.

August – A British warship takes Sun Yat-sen and his party to Hong Kong and then to Shanghai.

August – Russian representative Aldof A. Joffe arrives in Beijing. Russia wants diplomatic recognition from Beijing. In return, the Beijing government wants the Red forces to leave Outer Mongolia.

August – Communist Party members Chen Duxiao and Li Dazhao are admitted into the Nationalist Party. More Communist members are acknowledged later.

September – Sun Yat-sen tells a Russian envoy that he wants to establish an army with Russian arms.

December - The Soviet Union formally comes into being. Soviet Russia signed a treaty with three republics: Belorussia, Ukraine, and the Transcaucasian Soviet Federated Socialist Republic, to form the USSR.


January – Under the direction of Sun Yat-sen, a combined force of Guangxi, Yunan, and Guangdong armies drives Chen Jiongming out of Guangzhou.

January – Soviet Politburo decides to fully support the Nationalist Party.

January – Soviet diplomat Adolph A. Joffe visits Sun in Shanghai and sets out a detailed cooperation plan. The Soviet Union will supply weapons, ammunition and cash. Chinese Communist Party members will be admitted into the Nationalist Party as individuals and keep their CCP memberships. The Nationalist Party will be reorganized along Marxist-Leninist lines.

January - Joint statement by Comintern and the Nationalist Party. The Soviet Union helped in the unification of China. The statement also specifies that Communism is not suitable for China and the Soviet system should not be adopted. The Soviet Union will give up all privileges and interests obtained in China by Tsarist Russia. Outer Mongolia is recognized as part of China. However, the Red forces will stay in Mongolia to fight the White Russian forces.

February – Split between Wu Peifu (Beijing government) and the Chinese Communist Party. Striking workers in Hankou were shot and killed. Wu claims the strikes are organized by the Chinese Communist Party and orders the arrest of Li Dazhao.

February – Sun Yat-sen, accompanied by Chiang Kai-shek, arrives back in Guangzhou to lead the new government in the south. Sun assumes the new title of Grand Marshal.

June – In Beijing, Li Yuanhong is ousted from the presidency.

June - The third congress of the Chinese Communist Party was held in Guangzhou. Mao Zedong is elected to the Central Committee. Communist members would join the Nationalist Party as individuals.

August – Chiang Kai-shek and three other Chinese delegates leave for the Soviet Union. Chiang and his party spend almost three months in the USSR.

August - Soviet agent Borodin appointed Sun Yat-sen's political adviser.

October - Cao Kun was elected president of the Beijing government by bribing members of the National Assembly.


January – Chiang Kai-shek returns to Guangzhou after visiting the Soviet Union. Chiang has deep suspicions of Soviet intentions.

January – First Nationalist Party Congress held in Guangzhou. Nationalist Party adopts a Soviet-style organizational plan. However, instead of Communism, the Nationalist Party will follow the Three Principles of the People established by Sun Yat-sen.

May - Outer Mongolia formally becomes the Republic of Outer Mongolia.

May - Soviet Union signs agreement with Beijing government. Beijing recognizes the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union recognized Outer Mongolia as part of China, but Red forces would remain.

June - Opening ceremony of the Whampoa Military Academy in Guangzhou. The Soviet Union provides money and arms. Chiang Kai-shek is the president of the academy. A revolutionary army is to be created in the model of the Soviet Red Army. The Academy would be training grounds for many future leaders of China.

September - Second war breaks out between the Zhili and Northeast factions.

October - Northeast army defeats Wu Peifu and crosses the Great Wall from Manchuria into China.

October - In Guangzhou, Chiang Kai-shek leads Whampoa cadets and local troops to defeat a Merchant Volunteer Corps rebellion.

October - Feng Yuxiang's forces captured Beijing and imprisoned Cao Kun in support of the Northeast faction.

November - Sun Yat-sen is invited to a national reconstruction conference in Beijing.

November - Duan Qirui becomes president of the Beijing government.

December – Sun Yat-sen is hospitalized in Beijing.


January – Troops under the command of Chan Jiongming attack Guangzhou.

February - Nationalist forces, including Whampoa cadets, defeat Chan Jiaongming in the First Eastern Expedition.

March – Sun Yat-sen dies in Beijing.

April - The army of Feng Yuxiang begins to receive military assistance from the Soviet Union.

May – Demonstrations against Japanese firms in Shanghai. British police in the foreign concessions fire into a crowd of striking workers and their supporters, killing and wounding dozens. The incident sparked a wave of boycotts and demonstrations across the country.

June – Demonstrations in Guangzhou against foreign imperialists. British and French troops fire on the crowd as demonstrators come close to the Western concessions. Hundreds are killed or injured. Tens of thousands of striking workers arrive from Hong Kong in support. British products are banned. Foreign warships anchor in Guangzhou.

July – The Nationalist Party establishes a national government in Guangzhou. Wang Jingwei is elected chairman of the new government.

August - Formation of the National Revolutionary Army by the Guangzhou government.

September – National Revolutionary Army launches the Second Eastern Expedition against Chan Jiongming. Chan’s forces are driven back. Nationalists would obtain complete control of Guangdong province by early 1926.

November - Split of the Nationalist Party. Anti-Communist members met in the Western Hills near Beijing and urged the removal of Communists from the Nationalist Party.

November - In Hankou, Wu Peifu rises again and is appointed to command a combined force that claims to have troops from 14 provinces.


January - Second National Congress of the Nationalist Party. Wang Jingwei gained influence and began to force Chiang Kai-shek from power.

February - Nationalist forces capture Hainan Island and control Guangdong province completely.

March - Li Zhongren (Guangxi faction) announces loyalty to the Guangzhou government. Li's troops would later be incorporated into the National Revolutionary Army.

March - In the north, aided by Japanese warships, the Northeast faction and Wu Peifu defeat Feng Yuxiang. Feng leaves for Moscow.

March – Rise of Chiang Kai-shek. Guangzhou is placed under martial law. Dozens of Communist members are arrested for planning to kidnap Chiang Kai-shek and stage a revolt. Soviet advisers are arrested.

April – Wang Jingwei leaves Guangzhou and goes into exile in France.

May - Chiang Kai-shek and the Soviet Union reached an agreement. The Soviet Union would continue to support the Guangzhou government.

June – Chiang Kai-shek was named commander in chief of the National Revolutionary Army and placed in charge of the Northern Expedition.

July - Chiang Kai-shek is elected chairman of the Standing Committee of the Nationalist Central Executive Committee.

July – Launch of the Northern Expedition. Nationalist forces attack the north with a force of over 100,000 men. The opposing northern armies total about 500,000. Nationalist forces soon capture Changsha in Hunan province.

August - After fierce fighting, Nationalist forces defeated Wu Peifu and captured key bridges in Hubei province.

October – On the fifteenth anniversary of the 1911 uprising and founding of the Republic of China, Nationalist forces enter the city of Wuchang. The northern commander of the city had decided to surrender.

October - Nationalist forces capture Wuhan.

November - In the most significant battle since the beginning of the Northern Expedition, Nationalist forces capture Nanchang after defeating Sun Chuanfang.

November – Nationalist Party decides to move party headquarters to Wuhan.

November - In Moscow, the Comintern passes a resolution to support peasant revolt in China.


January - Anti-Communist members of the Nationalist Party decide to establish separate headquarters in Nanchang.

March – Nationalist party headquarters in Wuhan transfer Chiang Kai-shek’s key party posts to Wang Jingwei and issue a secret order for Chiang’s arrest.

March – Nationalist forces capture Shanghai.

March - Nationalist forces capture Nanjing.

March - Chiang Kai-shek goes to Nanjing.

March - Mao Zedong publishes a report on the peasant movement in Hunan province, calling for the confiscation of land from landlords.

April – Wang Jingwei returns from France on a Soviet ship and goes to Wuhan.

April - In Beijing, a search of the Soviet embassy reveals plans for a Communist revolution. Li Dazhao and other Communists were arrested in the embassy and later executed.

April – The long civil war between the Nationalists and the Communists begins. Nationalist leaders meeting in Shanghai decided to purge Communist members in the party. Thousands of Communists are killed or arrested all over the country.

April – Chiang Kai-shek forms a rival Nationalist government in Nanjing, independent of the leftist government in Wuhan.

May - In Hunan province, to stop the confiscation of land by Communist-leaning troops, Nationalist officers launch an attack in Changsha.

June - Comintern sends a message to the Chinese Communist Party ordering land confiscation.

July – Nationalist government in Wuhan also decides to expel the Communists.

August – Nanchang Uprising. Founding of the Red Army. Communist forces led by Zhou Enlai and Zhu De staged an uprising in the city of Nanchang in Jiangxi province. Nationalist forces suppress the rebellion.

August - Emergency meeting of the Communist Party. Qu Qiubai replaces General Secretary Chen Duxiu. Future Communist developments would focus on the countryside.

August - To facilitate the reunification of the Nanjing and Wuhan governments, Chiang Kai-shek resigns from his posts.

September - Autumn Harvest Uprising in Hunan province. Communist forces led by Mao Zedong attacked towns near Changsha without authorization from the Central Committee.

September - Nationalist governments in Nanjing and Wuhan, along with the Western Hills faction in Beijing, meet in Shanghai to negotiate for reunification.

September - A united Nationalist government is installed in Nanjing.

October - Mao Zedong retreats to Jianggang Mountain in Jiangxi province with about 1,000 men, establishing the first sustainable Communist base.

December - Communist uprising in Guangzhou. Nanjing government breaks off relations with Moscow.

December - Wang Jingwei steps down from the Nanjing government and leaves for France.


January – Chiang Kai-shek resumes command of Nationalist forces.

February - The first-ever Communist base is eliminated. Located in Hailufeng, Guandong province, it was nick-named "Little Moscow" and existed for only two months.

April – Northern Expedition continues. Troops led by Feng Yuxiang and Yan Xishan join forces with Chiang Kai-shek.

April – Communist troops led by Zhu De retreat to Jianggang Mountain and join up with Mao Zedong. The combined forces were later known as the Zhu-Mao Red Army.

April - As Nationalist troops advance north, Japanese troops land in Shangdong province and enter Jinan.

April – Nationalist forces enter Jinan.

May - Seeds of the Sino-Japanese war. Representatives of the Nanjing government in Jinan were tortured and killed by the Japanese.

May - To avoid conflict with the Japanese, Nationalist forces retreat from Jinan. The Japanese attack them along the way. From that time on, Chiang Kai-shek anticipates a future war with Japan.

June - As Nationalist forces approach Beijing (named Beiping at the time), Zhang Zuolin leaves for Manchuria. Japanese agents assassinate Zhang along the way.

June - Nationalist forces enter Beijing without a fight. Northern troops, in general, retreat.

June - Sixth Congress of the Chinese Communist Party held in Moscow. The decision to establish a Red Army to overthrow the Nanjing government.

June - Zhang Xueliang, son of Zhang Zuolin, becomes head of the Northeast Army in Manchuria and pledges loyalty to the Nanjing government.

June - The city of Beijing is renamed Beiping. Nanjing is now the capital of China.

July - Generals of different Nationalist factions meet outside Beijing to discuss the consolidation of various armies.

October - Nationalist Party Central Standing Committee passes resolution to terminate the military government. A period of political tutelage by the Party would begin to prepare for full democracy. The period is to end by 1935.

December – The flag of the Republic of China is raised in Shenyang, Manchuria. China nominally becomes a united country.


January – Military demobilization conference between Chiang Kai-shek and other military factions. An agreement cannot be reached to reduce the size of their armies.

January - The Zhu-Mao Red Army is forced off Jianggang Mountain by the Nationalists. The Red Army retreats toward southern Jiangxi province.

March - Third Congress of the Nationalist Party. Chiang Kai-shek is accused of being a dictator.

March – Armed conflict begins between Chiang Kai-shek (Nanjing government) and the faction led by Li Zhongren (Guangxi faction).

April - The Red Army occupies Ruijin, Jiangxi province. Ruijin would later become the capital of the Soviet government.

April - Guangdong faction declares allegiance to Nanjing.

April – In Manchuria, Zhang Xueliang (Northeast faction) seizes the Soviet consulate in Harbin and the documents confirming Soviet support for the Chinese Communists.

May - Troops under the command of Feng Yuxiang blow up a bridge across the Yellow River. Feng Yuxiang (Northwest faction) declares opposition to Chiang Kai-shek.

May - Li Zhongren's army is defeated near Guangzhou by the Nationalist forces of the Guandong faction.

July - Japan recognizes the Nanjing government.

July – Zhang Xueliang takes over the Chinese Eastern Railway in Manchuria, which had been under joint administration with the Soviet Union.

October – Soviet troops cross the border into Manchuria and defeat Zhang Xueliang’s armies.

October - War breaks out between Chiang Kai-shek (Nanjing) and Feng Yuxiang (Northwest faction).

October – Worldwide economic depression begins.

December – In Manchuria, the Khabarovsk Protocol restores the Soviet position in the Chinese Eastern Railway and gave the Soviets an additional seat on the railway company’s board.


February - Anti-Bolshevik (AB) campaign. Communist Party decides to establish the Jiangxi Provincial Soviet Government. Disagreements on land distribution policies. Beginning of the anti-Bolshevik purge that would last two years. Thousands of people, including Communist members, would be killed.

March - Feng Yuxiang, Yan Xishan, Li Zhongren and Wang Jingwei question the legitimacy of Chiang Kai-shek's Nanjing government.

April - Full-scale civil war in central China. With the support of dozens of generals, Yan Xishan (Shanxi faction) takes office as commander-in-chief of an anti-Chiang army.

May - Chinese Communist Party beings plan to establish a national Soviet government.

June - Fung Yuxiang is defeated a second time by Chiang's forces.

June - In the south, troops of Guangdong province loyal to Nanjing enter Hunan province.

June – Battle for central China. Li Zhongren, Bai Chongxi, Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Fakui, and Yan Xishan join Wang Jingwei in a new Nationalist coalition against Chiang Kai-shek. Large-scale battles break out in Henan, Hunan and Shandong provinces.

July - In Moscow, Communist International supports the formation of a Communist government in China.

September - In Beijing, a rival Nationalist government is opposed to the government in Nanjing.

September - Zhang Xueliang (Northeast faction) declares loyalty to Nanjing. Zhang attacks and captures Beijing.

October – Chiang Kai-shek wins the war against his Nationalist rivals. The war involved about 800,000 men on each side, with casualties of hundreds of thousands. At the war's end, military expenses amount to about 85% of the national budget.

November - Anti-Bolshevik (AB) purge at communist bases reaches its peak in Jiangxi and Fujian provinces. Tens of thousands are tortured and executed.

December – First suppression campaign conducted by Nationalist forces against the Soviet state in Jiangxi province. Nationalists mobilize about 100,000 men, and the Communists have about 40,000. The campaign would fail by January 1931.



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