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Feng Shui Home Move in wishes

Updated: Aug 24

For those who are unsure of what to say when they first step into their new house, we've put together a guide to traditional Chinese greetings. These greetings can range from the simple to the less common, and we've included English variations for our non-Chinese clients.

Here are some ideas of what to say when you enter your new house:

(Generic) 發 "Huat": Growth

(Health) 身体健康 "Shen Ti Jian Kang": Good health

(Wealth) 财源滚滚 " Cai Yuan Gun Gun": Everlasting wealth resources

(Generic) 心想事成 " Xin Xiang Shi Cheng": Our dreams come true

(Relationship)家和万事兴 "Jia He Wan Shi Xing": Family harmony and more good happenings

(Generic) 一帆风顺 "Yi Fan Feng Shun": Smooth journey

(Health) 平平安安 "Ping Ping An An": Peace and safety



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