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The Art of War and the Human Heart: A Feng Shui Master's Guide to Understanding People

Updated: Aug 23

Understanding people and their intentions is a skill that can prove invaluable in both personal and professional relationships. As an experienced Feng Shui Master, I have advised numerous clients on the importance of understanding people and their intentions. One ancient source of wisdom that has proven invaluable in this pursuit is Zhu Ge Liang's Art of War, specifically, the chapter on the Human Heart. In this article, we'll explore these universal principles, which can help everyone become more observant and better understand the people around them.

Seven Ways to Know the Human Heart

  1. Gossip and Conclusions: Respond to how people react when gossip is shared. Do they conclude quickly or take the time to understand the situation before forming an opinion?

  2. Debates and Change: In the heat of an argument, observe how people handle differing opinions. Are they open to changing their minds, or do they stubbornly cling to their beliefs?

  3. Planning and Knowledge: When involved in planning, note who profoundly understands the situation and can provide valuable insights.

  4. Facing Difficult Times: In challenging situations, observe who rises to the occasion and demonstrates courage in the face of adversity.

  5. Inebriation and Lust: When people are under the influence of alcohol, their inhibitions may be lowered, revealing their true desires and intentions.

  6. Profit and Betrayal: Watch for those who prioritize personal gain over loyalty and are willing to betray others for financial success.

  7. Loyalty in the Face of Failure: When things fall apart, observe who remains loyal and supportive even when the going gets tough.

Reflecting on Your Observations

As you apply Zhu Ge Liang's principles daily, ponder your observations. Are you genuinely observant of people's actions and intentions? What are the first things you notice about others? Consider who your friends are and how well you truly understand them. For instance, when you're in a planning meeting at work, observe who provides the most insightful suggestions. Or, when you're in a heated debate, notice how each person responds to differing opinions.

Apply the Art of War to Enhance Your Relationships

By incorporating the insights from Zhu Ge Liang's Art of War and the Human Heart, you can become a more discerning and understanding individual. Apply these principles to enhance your relationships, personally and professionally, and discover the true intentions of those around you.


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