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Understanding the BAZI Ten Gods: A Deeper Insight into Bazi and Social Relationships

The Yin-Yang, Five Elements, Heavenly Stems, and Earthly Branches mainly describe natural phenomena and attribute them to natural properties.

However, humans are products of social relationships. The ancient sages derived the "Ten Gods" concept from the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches when delving into specific social relationships and personality traits.


What are the Ten Gods?

The Ten Gods, also known as the Six Gods, reflect the relationship between individuals and society. They represent various roles and attributes attached to a person, such as a boss or father. In the Eight Characters (Bazi) system, the Day Master (Day Stem) is the primary focus, and the Ten Gods describe its relationship with the surrounding Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.

Correspondence between the Five Elements and the Ten Gods

  • Those similar to me are called "比劫" (Companion and Rob Wealth)

    • Similar to me refers to oneself, peers, siblings, and similar individuals.

    • When of the same yin yang, it is called "比肩" (Companion), and when of the opposite gender, it is called "劫财" (Rob Wealth).

    • For example, if the Day Master is 甲木 (Jia Wood), then 甲木 represents 比肩, and 乙木 represents 劫财.

  • Those who give birth to me are called "印绶" (Seal Star)

    • The ones who give birth to me are like a mother.

    • The Seal Star signifies protection and nurturing.

    • When of the same yin yang, it is called "偏印" (Indirect Seal), and when of the opposite yin yang, it is called "正印" (Direct Seal).

    • For example, if the Day Master is 甲木 (Jia Wood), then 壬水 (Ren Water) is 偏印 (Indirect Seal), and 癸水 (Gui Water) is 正印 (Direct Seal).

  • Those born from me are called "食伤" (Output Star):

    • "Born from me" refers to my creative output, talents, or offspring.

    • When of the same yin yang, it is called "食神" (Food God), and when of the opposite yin yang, it is called "伤官" (Hurting Officer).

    • For example, if the Day Master is 甲木 (Jia Wood), then 丙火 (Bing Fire) is 食神 (Food God), and 丁火 (Ding Fire) is 伤官 (Hurting Officer).

  • Those who conquer me are called "官杀" (Officer and Seven Killings)

    • Conquering me" implies suppression or pressure, representing challenges, struggles, and hard work, similar to the pressure of work.

    • When of the same yin yang, it is called "七杀" (Seven Killings), and when of the opposite yin yang, it is called "正官" (Direct Officer).

    • For example, if the Day Master is 甲木 (Jia Wood), then 庚金 (Geng Metal) is 七杀 (Seven Killings), and 辛金 (Xin Metal) is 正官 (Direct Officer).

Those I conquer are called "财星" (Wealth Star)

  • Wealth refers to the things that sustain life, and in this context, it's easiest to remember it as money.

  • When of the same yin yang, it is called "偏财" (Indirect Wealth), and when of the opposite yin yang, it is called "正财" (Direct Wealth).

  • For example, if the Day Master is 甲木 (Jia Wood), then 戊土 (Wu Earth) is 偏财 (Indirect Wealth), and 己土 (Ji Earth) is 正财 (Direct Wealth).



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