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#32 恆 Heng (Constancy)

Updated: Mar 3

Heng, a concept that embodies constancy, stability, and permanence, is truly enlightening. It's a philosophy that encourages us to continue and persevere, regardless of life's challenges. 🌱⛅

In the face of life's ups and downs, the spirit of Heng teaches us to remain committed to our goals. 🏆 Like a boat travelling between shores, our journey takes us through good and bad, happiness and sorrow. That's what makes life interesting! 💫

Heng also underscores the importance of commitment. Like the enduring force of gravity, Heng instils a sense of reassurance in us. 🌎 After all, aren't lasting relationships, enduring successes, and long-lasting achievements all about commitment? 🌹

Whether in relationships or life goals, Heng encourages us to consider the quality and consistency of our efforts. Are we attracting the right partners? Are we giving up too soon? Are our goals realistic? Tough questions, I know. But they are worth pondering upon. 🤔

Summing it up, IChing Gua Heng serves as a guiding light towards lasting success and stability, providing a sense of direction and guidance.

What is this about?

During the Zhou uprising, the Duke of Zhou's effort to secure stable relationships with potential allies was met with frustration. Although his motive and intention were positive, the result was not. Likewise, while the Gua as a whole is fortunate, the line texts are not. Therefore, the diviner who receives this Gua must be optimistic about the situation.


32.0 无咎。利貞。利有攸往

Persevere without fault. It is advantageous to find a direction. There will be a fortune. Develop stable relationships and friendships. With a solid support base, any avenue you pursue will be advantageous.

32.1 初六浚恆,貞凶。无攸利

Yin on Line 1: To force a consistent relationship from the outset is dangerous. There is no advantage. Stable relationships cannot be instituted from the beginning. To expect one will invite insult. Let the friendship/ partnership/ romance develop and mature. Give your mate/ client/ partner space.

32.2 九二悔亡

Yang on Line 2: Forget about the regrettable relationship. Forget about that, which was a mistake from the beginning. Forget about the unfortunate outcome and begin fresh. Let go of the past, and new doors will open.

32.3 九三不恆,其德。或承之羞。貞吝

Yang on Line 3: He does not insist on being virtuous. To make him a friend is shameful. To continue the friendship brings regret. Unfortunately, some have low morals and substandard principles. They have no respect for others, living selfishly and without sincerity. It is not advantageous to establish a relationship with such persons. It will bring only humiliation.

32.4 九四田无禽

Yang on Line 4: There is no game on the hunting grounds. The Duke of Zhou tried earnestly to hunt for allies to support his father's (King Wen's) cause. However, his effort did not bring desirable results. When a project/ cause/ romance is not worth your effort, it wastes time. Continue to search, and you will find that person who will rally to your support.

32.5 六五恒其德。貞婦人吉;夫子,凶

Yin on Line 5: To insist on maintaining a relationship with someone is fortunate for a woman but dangerous for a man. Traditionally, a married woman would be considered virtuous by remaining loyal to her husband, no matter how disrespectfully he treated her. On the other hand, for a man to stay married to a disloyal wife would be considered cowardly. Make a wise decision when befriending an ally or prospective mate.

32.6 上六振恆凶

Yin on Line 6: To break a steady relationship is risky. The Duke of Zhou understood some alliances were not promising. Instead of persevering, he took the risk and severed the connection. When a partnership/romance is not working, sever the tie. It is the right move.



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