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#41 損 Sun (Decreasing)

Updated: Mar 3

Sun reminds us to embrace our periods of decrease and accept them not as setbacks but as crucial parts of growth.🌱 Remember, each valley prepares us for the next peak.💫 In life, we tend to overlook that to receive something new, we often need to let go of the old. Therein lies the beauty of the Sun - it teaches us the art of graceful release, emphasising that to replenish and grow, we must first empty and shrink.🌒 Every cycle of decrease is simply a precursor to an increase, akin to a seed ready to invite the bloom of spring after a harsh winter.🌷 Missing an opportunity? You've gained a lesson and gained a failure? You've lost a fear. So, the next time you confront a downturn, remember there's a rise waiting after every fall. What are your thoughts on this? #IChing #GuaSun

What is this about?

This Gua describes the Zhou government's economic strategy. Specifically, it describes how they reduced spending to elevate people's well-being, providing them with necessary financial aid.


41.0 有孚.元吉。无咎可貞。利有攸往。曷之用二簋?可用享

Sincerity is the origin of fortune. The government can assist with its principles. There will be no fault. The policy can be implemented. With a tight budget, what can be offered to Heaven? Two bamboo baskets filled with simple offerings are sufficient. If you cut your enterprise's budget while taking pains to avoid impacting your employees, they will remain devoted if you are sincere. On a smaller scale, evaluate your spending habits. Cut out frivolous luxuries. Tightening your belt will enable you to realise your dream.

41.1 初九已事遄往,无咎。酌損之

Yang on Line 1: Suspend your affairs and hasten to your friend's aid. There is no mistake. Contribute what you can. King Wen gained friends by being unselfish. He wholeheartedly made donations, contributing within his means. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Do not hesitate to assist a friend to the best of your ability. You will gain much more than you lose.

41.2 九二利貞—征凶。弗損益之

Yang on Line 2: It is advantageous to assist with the right policy. Instituting new taxes and reducing welfare are dangerous. Because the Zhou were not yet prosperous, increasing taxes would not improve their financial outlook. It is better to cut unnecessary expenses and increase the people's (your employee's) wages. Set aside money for investment, future expansion, and retirement. On a smaller scale, draw up a budget and stick to it.

41.3 六三人行,則損一人。一人行,則得其友

Yin on Line 3: There is one too many when three people walk together. When a person walks alone, he will gain a friend. When you have too much, you will lose some. When you do not have enough, you will gain some. Too many cooks spoil the broth. Work alone, and someone will lend a helping hand.

41.4 六四損其疾,使遄有喜。无咎

Yin on Line 4: It is joyous when the sickness has diminished. There will be no mistake. The right policies can cure the sick economy (your company/ relationship). When there are signs of recovery, everyone benefits. Monitor the changes and celebrate any improvement.

41.5 六五或益之—十朋之龜。弗克違。元吉

Yin on Line 5: When the people's wealth increases, they offer the king ten pairs of turtle shells. How can the king refuse such a kind gift? It is fortunate from the beginning. Under your leadership, your employees/children will prosper. To show their appreciation, they will bestow blessings on you. Accept them with gratitude. You deserve the attention.

41.6 上九弗損益之。无咎;貞吉。利有攸往。得臣无家

Yang on Line 6: It is time to increase taxes instead of decreasing revenue. There will be no mistake. It is advantageous to proceed in any direction. The people are patriotic and will place their country's interests before theirs. Your staff will not mind contributing more time and energy when your business thrives. They share your pride. In a relationship, expect reciprocal attention. Remember, the love you give will be rewarded by the love you receive.



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