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#33 遯 Dun (Retreating)

Updated: Mar 3

Dun signifies the act of tactful withdrawal or retreat from actions 🚶‍♀️.

But don't mistake this retreat as a sign of weakness or failure! It's instead a strategic step back to empower ourselves for a future leap forward 🌟. The beauty of Dun lies in teaching us to disengage from obstacles instead of feeding more strength to them 🙅‍♀️.

Isn't it wonderful how embracing stillness can sometimes be our most significant power? ☮️ What are your thoughts on this? Have you ever found strength in stepping back?

What is this about?

Frustrated with the slow and unsatisfying progress of forming solid alliances to support the revolution against the Zhou, the Duke of Zhou temporarily retreated to prepare for his next move.


33.0 亨小, 利貞

Retire. There will be a success. Use this time to assess your progress, goals, and dreams. Go on a retreat. Take a vacation alone. Prepare a plan, a new vision of your future. Also, evaluate your friends. Maintaining relationships with those who do not bring you joy or support your goals is unnecessary.

33.1 初六遯尾。厲,勿用有攸往

Yin on Line 1: Retreating at the last moment is perilous. As long as you do not advance, it is still safe. You will still reach safety if you are the last to leave. But why wait? If your job/relationship is not satisfying, go now.

33.2 六二執之用黃牛之革. 莫之勝說

Yin on Line 2: Tie up your decision with the hide of a yellow cow. There is no way to let go. Make up your mind in an unbiased manner and activate your decision. Do not look back.

33.3 九三係遯. 有疾厲. 畜臣妾, 吉

Yang on Line 3: A barrier blocks your retirement. The situation is hazardous. Pretend to indulge in the company of a new concubine. People are determined to seek your assistance. This can be very exhausting. Pretend you are not interested. Pretend to be preoccupied with a contemporary romance. Let others underestimate your ability, and you will be left alone.

33.4 九四好遯, 君子,吉。小人,否

Yang on Line 4: Honorable men retreat without looking back. It is fortunate. Every day people cannot make up their minds to leave. It is unfortunate. It is time to pull back from the relationship/situation/job. Act now. Do not hesitate. If you are doubtful, your indecision will lead to catastrophe.

33.5 九五嘉遯。貞吉

Yang on Line 5: The retreat is correct and beautiful. It is fortunate to persevere. Withdrawing from the company of a person(s) you do not enjoy gives you fresh air. Do not waste your time. You will find peace in your decision.

33.6 上九肥遯. 无不利

Yang on Line 6: Great reward follows the noble retreat. It is advantageous. Leaving a lousy company, a bad relationship, or a bad situation is a courageous act. Doing so will lift a tremendous weight off your shoulders. Regardless of the angle, you view it and make the right decision.



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